19. Sword in the Forge Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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19. Sword in the Forge

“The Gods made us all out of iron. Then they turn up the heat to forge some of us into steel.”
This stout stone building has a crenelated roof for defense; its sturdy double doors wide open. The smell of the forge and the sound of hammer ringing greet you as a wave of heat envelope as you enter this tidy shop. The main work area is dirty but reasonably well organized—everything from nails to farm tools and eating utensils to wagon axles and barrel rings can be found here, hanging from hooks or sitting on the numerous shelves that line the walls. Along with the different mundane items he is working on at any given moment.   The blacksmith welcomes you warmly, and drags his feet over to you, and introduces himself "Greetings friends, I am Cheldric, what I can do for ya." "Sure, what are you after? Plows? We've got some new traps, very good, guaranteed to kill immediately! Or we have some buckles."
The Sword in the Forge is a central hub of activity in Cienega Valley, offering everything from nails to farm tools, and catering to the needs of the local garrison. Cheldric the Smith, a respected figure in the community, runs this well-organized shop. Description   This stout stone building stands thirty feet high, crowned with a crenelated roof designed for defense. Its sturdy double doors are wide open, welcoming visitors with the unmistakable scent of the forge and the rhythmic sound of a hammer striking metal. As you step inside, a wave of heat envelops you, and you are greeted by a tidy shop filled with all manner of crafted goods. From nails and farm tools to eating utensils and wagon axles, everything is meticulously organized on numerous shelves and hooks that line the walls. The shop also offers a variety of mundane items Cheldric works on at any given moment.

Cheldric the Smith

Cheldric is a towering figure with a robust build and corded muscles honed from years of labor at the forge. His skin is tanned and often covered with soot and sweat. His face is rugged, with a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes that reflect both determination and kindness. Cheldric's hands are calloused and strong, capable of wielding a hammer with precision and force.
  • Personality: Cheldric is a warm and welcoming figure, often greeting his customers with a hearty “Greetings friends, I am Cheldric, what can I do for ya?” Despite his imposing appearance, he has a gentle and kind heart, always ready to help those in need. He is known for his jovial nature and willingness to undertake special commissions, provided the price is right and the task doesn’t interfere with his regular business. Cheldric is a man of integrity and is deeply respected within the community. His good opinion carries great weight, making him a trusted leader in the local militia.
  • Motivation: Cheldric is driven by a strong sense of duty and responsibility to his community. He takes pride in his work and strives to provide the best possible service to his customers. His motivation also stems from his desire to protect and support his family, ensuring they have a comfortable and secure life. He is committed to maintaining the safety and prosperity of Cienega Valley.
“Defense is as much about preparation as it is about strength.”


The Sword in the Forge has been a cornerstone of Cienega Valley for generations. Cheldric inherited the business from his father and has since built a reputation for reliability and quality. Over the years, the forge has expanded to include not just everyday items, but also special commissions that range from forging holy symbols to dipping blades in melted silver. Politics of Verbobonc   Cheldric’s position as a community leader gives him significant influence in local politics. His forge supplies essential tools and equipment to the garrison, and his relationship with Gauwalt Greensward, who procures additional supplies from traders, strengthens his political standing. Cheldric’s support is crucial for maintaining the stability and security of Cienega Valley, especially with the rising tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury.

Politics of Verbobonc

Cheldric’s position as a community leader gives him significant influence in local politics. His forge supplies essential tools and equipment to the garrison, and his relationship with Gauwalt Greensward, who procures additional supplies from traders, strengthens his political standing. Cheldric’s support is crucial for maintaining the stability and security of Cienega Valley, especially with the rising tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Cheldric and Marcus share a mutual respect, both understanding the importance of their roles in maintaining the community’s well-being.
  • House Asbury: As a staunch supporter of House Asbury, Cheldric ensures that the garrison is well-equipped and ready to defend the valley.
  • House Milinous : Cheldric remains neutral in the political struggles, focusing on his duty to the community rather than getting involved in the disputes.
  • Ytor, the Priest of Pelor: Cheldric has a respectful relationship with Ytor, often crafting religious symbols and other items needed for the temple.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo of Fort Emridy: Cheldric supplies the fort with essential tools and repairs, ensuring that the garrison remains in top condition.
  • Tanithil Mornala the Druid: Although their views on land use sometimes clash, Cheldric and Tanithil maintain a cordial relationship, understanding the importance of each other’s roles in the community.
  • Ytor Pense, the Hedge Knight: Cheldric has crafted several pieces of equipment for Ytor, appreciating the knight’s dedication to his duties.
  • Gigur Nónason, Guild Master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall: Cheldric and Gigur collaborate to support the local economy, often sharing insights and resources.
Sword in the Forge by 3orcs
“Iron sharpens iron, just as a community strengthens its members.”

Cheldric's Family

Dara (Wife)
Dara is a kind-hearted woman with a nurturing spirit. She supports Cheldric in all his endeavors and manages the household with grace and efficiency. Dara is expecting their third child, and her presence adds warmth and stability to the family. She is known for her excellent cooking and often prepares meals for the family and the occasional traveler seeking a place to rest.
Oankin (Eldest Son)
Oankin is a young man in his late teens, following in his father's footsteps. He is strong and eager to learn the trade, spending most of his days at the forge, assisting Cheldric. Oankin is ambitious and dreams of one day expanding the family business.
Kemble (Younger Son)
Kemble, a boy of twelve, is curious and adventurous. He often runs errands for the family and helps out at the forge when needed. Kemble has a keen interest in learning and often asks Cheldric to teach him new skills.
Mother Smith (Widowed Mother)
Known affectionately as Mother Smith, she is an elderly woman who has lived in Cienega Valley her entire life. She helps around the house and offers wisdom and guidance to the family. Despite her age, she remains active and is a beloved figure in the community.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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