13. Vesi Potter Mill Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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13. Vesi Potter Mill

The roof is high, triangular, but one side is longer than the other and is covered with grey roof tiles. Two small chimneys sit at the side of the house. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof.   The house itself is surrounded by paved ground, with various sitting areas, like a fancy barbecue and a fire-pit. off to one side if a well kept oak wood bard filled with hay and farming implements
Vesi Potter Mill, located on the west side of Cienega Valley near the banks of Nigb's Run River, serves as a vital source of pottery and clay products for the township. Run by Klaus Vesi, his wife Mea, and their five children, the mill is known for its high-quality clay and well-crafted pottery. This article explores the mill's location, characters, personality, history, and its political relationships within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Location Description

The Potter Mill is a prominent structure on the west side of Cienega Valley, near the banks of Nigb's Run River. The roof is high and triangular, covered with grey roof tiles, with two small chimneys on the side. Large windows allow ample light into the rooms below. The house is surrounded by paved ground with various sitting areas, a fancy barbecue, and a fire-pit. A well-kept oak wood barn filled with hay and farming implements sits to one side. Near the river is the large potters mill, which turns river mud into clay, serving the needs of the village.


The Potter Mill has been in the Vesi family for generations, passed down from father to son. Klaus inherited the mill from his father and has continued to uphold the family tradition of producing high-quality clay and pottery. The mill is an essential part of Cienega Valley, providing the villagers with necessary clay products and contributing to the local economy.

Politics of Verbobonc

Vesi Potter Mill plays a significant role in the local politics of Cienega Valley and the wider Viscounty of Verbobonc. Klaus Vesi maintains a neutral stance, focusing on his work and family. However, he is aware of the political tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury and strives to maintain good relationships with both.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Klaus respects the mayor and supports his efforts to improve the township. He often consults with Mayor Greensward on matters related to the mill and the community.
  • House Milinous and House Asbury: Klaus maintains a professional relationship with both houses, ensuring that his mill's services are available to all. He avoids taking sides in the political disputes between the two houses.
  • Yvan Cross, the Priest of Pelor: Klaus holds Ytor in high regard and often attends services at the Shining Temple of Pelor. He believes in the values of strength and healing that Pelor represents.
  • Cannon Austol Pengelly at the Chapel of the Cudgel: Klaus respects Cannon Austol and appreciates his dedication to the community. He occasionally seeks Austol's counsel on spiritual matters.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo of Fort Emridy: Klaus has a cordial relationship with Commander Rodrigo, providing pottery and clay products for the fort. He admires the commander's commitment to protecting the valley.
  • Tanithil Mornala, the Druid at the Hearth of Obad-Hai: Klaus and Tanithil often have heated arguments regarding the mill's impact on the environment. Despite their disagreements, Klaus respects Tanithil's devotion to the Old Faith.
  • Gigur Nónason, Guild Master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall: Klaus works closely with Gigur to ensure the mill supports the local vineyards. They share a mutual respect for each other's craft.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The Potter Mill's influence extends beyond Cienega Valley, as its products are highly sought after throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Klaus's neutrality in political matters allows him to maintain good relationships with various factions, ensuring the mill's continued success.
The Potter Mill by 3orcs
"The Nigb's Run provides the lifeblood for our mill, just as we provide for the valley."
Klaus Vesi
Klaus Vesi is a tall, muscular man with broad shoulders and a strong build. His hands are rough and calloused from years of working with clay. He has short, curly brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a kind smile that reflects his warm personality.
  • Personality: Klaus is hardworking, patient, and dedicated to his craft. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his passion for pottery. He is also a family man who values his wife and children above all else.
  • Motivation: Klaus is motivated by his love for pottery and his desire to provide for his family. He is also driven by a sense of duty to his community, ensuring that the mill produces high-quality clay and pottery for the villagers.
Mea Vesi
Mea Vesi is a petite woman with a gentle demeanor. She has long, flowing black hair, soft brown eyes, and a warm, inviting smile. She is often seen wearing practical, simple dresses that allow her to move freely as she helps manage the mill and the household.
  • Personality: Mea is nurturing, supportive, and resourceful. She is the backbone of the Vesi family, keeping the household running smoothly while assisting Klaus with the mill's operations.
  • Motivation: Mea is motivated by her love for her family and her commitment to their well-being. She is also passionate about supporting Klaus in his work and ensuring the success of the Potter Mill.
The Vesi Children
  • Cormac (11 years old): Cormac is the eldest son, a responsible and diligent boy who helps his father with the heavy lifting at the mill. He is eager to learn the trade and takes pride in his family's work.
  • Nellyn (10 years old): Nellyn is creative and artistic, often seen drawing or shaping clay into small figurines. He dreams of becoming a renowned potter one day.
  • Thorryn (9 years old): Thorryn is adventurous and curious, always exploring the surrounding areas and coming up with new ideas for the mill. He is known for his mischievous smile and boundless energy.
  • Parick (7 years old): Parick is kind-hearted and empathetic, often helping his mother with household chores and looking after his younger sister. He has a gentle nature and loves animals.
  • Creena (6 years old): Creena is the youngest, a cheerful and bubbly girl who brings joy to everyone around her. She loves playing with clay and creating small pots and bowls.
Parent Location
  Magic Items
Arcane Scroll (Prestidigitation (12 gp 5 sp), Obscuring Mist (25 gp)) (total 37 gp 5 sp)
Total value = 37 gp 5 sp
4 x Bucket (5 sp, 2 lb)
Fishing Net (4 gp, 5 lb)
10 x Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb)
Large Iron Box (2 gp, 100 lb)

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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