11. Cienega Valley Wine Market Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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11. Cienega Valley Wine Market

The Cienega Valley Wine Market is a prominent shop in the township of Cienega Valley, known for its exquisite selection of local wines. Operated by the wealthy wine merchant Harrye Ront, the shop offers wines from the surrounding vineyards, attracting customers from Verbobonc and beyond.

Outside Description

From the outside, the Cienega Valley Wine Market looks intimate, cozy, and modest. Timber and thick, hard wooden beams make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the inviting music from within can be felt outside. As you enter the shop through the hard wooden door, you're welcomed by polished woods and embroidered silk cushioned chairs, along with inviting yet unfamiliar scents. The shopkeeper is quite busy but still manages to welcome you with a smile.   Out front, along the edge of the market square, there are stands, barrels, and crates of grapes, cloth-wrapped heavy cheeses, and sausage strings. A very pretty young woman with big warm brown eyes tends the stands, offering samples and smiling to passing villagers. Her long soft brown hair glows in the sunlight, wrapped with a cream silk hairband that she regularly tugs into place. Her long flowing green dress and brown leather bodice wrapped in a cream apron do nothing to hide her developed figure.

Inside Description

This building is obviously a house that's been converted into a shop, probably a family home of the owner. It's unfortunately rather cramped inside, and taller patrons would be at risk of hitting their heads if they were careless inside the tiny wooden building. The shop is absolutely spotless and somewhat dark. It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls are full of paintings, all in different styles but all of the surrounding area.   From what can be seen, the walls are covered in floor-to-ceiling wine cases, made of aged polished wood, filled with bottles of countless vintages and vintners. Additionally, baskets of fresh fruits and cheeses are placed on various types of tables.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Harrye respects the mayor and often consults with him on matters concerning the town's trade and economy.
  • House Asbury: As a loyal supporter, Harrye ensures that his business aligns with the interests of House Asbury.
  • House Milinous: While Harrye prefers to remain neutral in the conflict between House Milinous and House Asbury, he keeps a close eye on their activities.
  • Yvan Cross  the Priest of Pelor: Harrye frequently donates to the Shining Temple of Pelor and has a cordial relationship with Ytor.
  • Cannon Austol Pengelly at the Chapel of the Cudgel: Harrye and Austol share a mutual respect, with Harrye often providing wine for church events.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo of Fort Emridy: Harrye supports the commander by supplying wine to the fort and maintains a good rapport with him.
  • Tibor Timason, Owner of the Black Griffon Inn: Harrye supplies the inn with his finest wines and has a friendly business relationship with Tíbor.
  • Captain Greyson Read at the Black Griffon Inn: Harrye is cautious around Greyson due to his association with House Milinous but remains civil.
  • Ytor Pense, Hedge Knight: Harrye finds Ytor's stories of his travels fascinating and often invites him for a drink at the shop.
  • Gigur Nónason, Guild Master of the 3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall: Harrye works closely with Gigur to promote and sell local wines.
  • Antti Vartia of 25. Vartia Vineyard: Harrye proudly carries the local Vartia wine called Vartia Reserve 568 CY. He hosts special wine events with Vartia's youngest daughter, Leena, who is responsible for the vineyard’s hospitality and events.

Harrye Ront dealings with merchant

The shopkeeper is seen with a customer haggling over a case of wine, leaning in close encouraging the traveling merchant to swirl the dark wine in the glass before taking another sip. The shopkeeper comments, "...grapes used by the vintners of the Wine Cooperative are grown on the parcel of land between Fort Emridy and the town’s wine market."   "It's a deep red and the vintage is 568. It's from a vineyard close to the fort and aged in oak and ipp barrels. With this wine, it's essential that you let it breathe before drinking it. So, move it gently around in the glass to introduce air into the wine before trying it."   The merchant takes another sip after breathing it in. "Oh yes, this is fine. It has a good nose, it smells a little of apples and also of freshly cut grass."   "You're right. It's delicious. It has a very crisp taste, it has a sour taste like the grapes weren't ripe. But it's not too strong. It also has a taste of apple berries and cherry for me. A combination of sweet and sour. A perfect wine to have during the summer."   The pair haggles a bit then settles on 4 gp a bottle. They complete their deal and then the shopkeeper turns to you with a glint of coin in his eye. "Welcome to the Cienega Valley Wine Market, I am Master Ront. What has your interest on this fine day?"
Master Harrye Ront by 3orcs
"The Vintner's Guild Hall is the heart of our wine trade."
Master Harrye Ront
Harrye Ront is a wealthy wine merchant who sells local wines as far as Verbobonc and beyond to places like Dyvers. He is known for his skill in haggling and his deep knowledge of wines.
  • Description: Harrye Ront is a middle-aged man with a stocky build, graying hair neatly combed, and a well-groomed beard. His sharp eyes reflect years of experience in the wine trade. He often wears fine but practical clothing, suitable for both his work and status.
  • Personality: Harrye is friendly and engaging with his customers but can be shrewd and cunning when it comes to business. He takes great pride in his shop and the quality of his wines.
  • Motivation: His primary motivation is to maintain his shop's reputation as the best wine market in the region and to expand his business reach. He is driven by a desire to see Cienega Valley prosper.
  • Politics: Harrye is a staunch supporter of House Asbury and works closely with them to ensure the security and prosperity of Cienega Valley. He also has a good relationship with the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall and often collaborates with its guild master, Gigur Nónason.
Market square
Parent Location

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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