12. The Hidden Vine mill Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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12. The Hidden Vine mill

The Hidden Vine Mill is a prominent mill located on the south side of Cienega Valley, near the banks of the Nigb's Run river. Owned by the Arvo Varala Miller family, this mill is crucial to the local economy, particularly for the vineyards and farms in the area. The mill's history, political connections, and family dynamics play a significant role in the community.


The Hidden Vine Mill is situated on the south side of Cienega Valley, adjacent to the Nigb's Run river. The large brick round structure stands vigil over the river traffic slowly moving below. The roof is covered in weather-streaked red shingles with moss growing along the eaves. Large wooden blades slowly turn in the wind, causing stone against stone grinding below inside the structure, a sound that can be heard up and down the river. The scent of decaying grapes emanates from inside as you approach, hinting at its primary function as a grape pressing mill.


The Hidden Vine Mill has been a vital part of Cienega Valley for generations. Originally built to serve the local vineyards, it has expanded its operations over the years to accommodate the growing agricultural demands of the region. The mill's history is intertwined with the Varala family, who have managed it for as long as the community can remember.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Arvo has a strong working relationship with Mayor Greensward, often consulting with him on matters related to the mill and the local economy.
  • House Asbury: Arvo's loyalty to House Asbury is unwavering. He supports their efforts to maintain peace and prosperity in Cienega Valley.
  • Yvan Cross, Priest of Pelor: Arvo respects Ytor and often donates to the Shining Temple of Pelor.
  • Canon Austol Pengelly at the Chapel of the Cudgel: Arvo and Austol share a mutual respect, with Arvo often providing supplies for church events.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo of Fort Emridy: Arvo supports the commander by supplying the fort with necessary provisions.
  • Tanithil Mornala, Druid at the Hearth of Obad-Hai: Arvo and Tanithil frequently clash over environmental issues, particularly concerning land use practices.
  • Gigur Nónason, Guild Master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall: Arvo and Gigur work closely to ensure the success of the local wine industry.

Notable Features

  • Large Mill: The mill's large round structure and imposing wooden blades are a landmark in Cienega Valley.
  • Grape Pressing: The mill's primary function is pressing grapes, essential for the local vineyards.
  • Proximity to Nigb’s Run: The mill's location by the river provides easy access for transportation and trade.


The Hidden Vine Mill is a crucial part of Cienega Valley's economy, and its operations are closely tied to local politics. Arvo Varala's support for House Asbury ensures the mill's protection and prosperity, but the tension with House Milinous remains a constant concern.
Arvo Varala Mill by 3orcs
"The mill is the heart of our community; we grind not just grains but dreams."
Master Arvo Varala
Arvo Varala is a burly man with strong arms and a determined look in his eyes. His weathered face and calloused hands speak of years of hard labor. He has dark hair, streaked with grey, and a thick beard. Arvo typically wears sturdy work clothes, suitable for the demanding tasks at the mill.
  • Personality: Arvo is a no-nonsense, hardworking individual who takes great pride in his work. He is known for his fairness and dedication to the community. While he is generally approachable, he does not tolerate laziness or dishonesty.
  • Motivation: Arvo's primary motivation is to ensure the prosperity of his family and the community. He aims to maintain the mill's reputation as a cornerstone of the local economy and to provide for his family's future.
  • Politics: Arvo is loyal to House Asbury and respects the authority of Mayor Marcus Greensward. He is cautious about House Milinous's ambitions but strives to remain neutral in political conflicts.
Wife: Marja Varala
Marja is a kind and nurturing woman with a keen eye for detail. She has auburn hair, usually tied in a bun, and warm, hazel eyes. Marja helps manage the mill's administrative tasks and is known for her excellent organizational skills.
  • Personality: Marja is compassionate and supportive, always ready to lend a helping hand. She is the backbone of the Varala family, keeping everything running smoothly.
  • Motivation: Marja's motivation is to support her family and ensure the mill's continued success.
  • Aino Varala (18 years old): Aino is the eldest daughter, known for her intelligence and strong will. She helps with the mill's operations and is learning the trade from her father.
  • Eero Varala (16 years old): Eero is eager to prove himself and takes on various tasks around the mill. He looks up to his father and dreams of taking over the family business one day.
  • Lotta Varala (14 years old): Lotta is the youngest, with a curious and adventurous spirit. She often helps her mother with administrative tasks and has a talent for bookkeeping.
Parent Location

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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