25. Vartia Vineyard Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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25. Vartia Vineyard

The Vartia Vineyard, located in the township of Cienega Valley, is a well-respected establishment known for its dedication to quality and tradition in winemaking. The vineyard's prime location between 1. Fort Emridy and the town’s wine market allows it to produce some of the finest grapes in the region. Owned and operated by Antti Vartia and his family for generations, the vineyard is a testament to their enduring commitment to excellence.


The Vartia Vineyard is situated on prime land between Fort Emridy and the town’s wine market. The fertile soil and favorable climate contribute to the production of high-quality grapes. The vineyard benefits from the protective presence of Fort Emridy, ensuring security for both the land and the family.
Manor and Vineyard
The Vartia family's manor is an old vine-covered cottage, symbolizing their long-standing dedication to winemaking. The cottage exudes rustic charm and is surrounded by expansive vineyards that stretch northeast towards Emridy Meadows. The vineyard is meticulously maintained, with rows of grapevines basking in the sun and producing exceptional quality grapes.
Notable Features
  • Prime Location: Situated between Fort Emridy and the town’s wine market.
  • Generational Heritage: Owned and operated by the Vartia family for generations.
  • Quality Grapes: Known for producing some of the finest grapes in Cienega Valley.
  • Protective Presence: Benefits from the security provided by Fort Emridy.


The Vartia Vineyard has a rich history that spans several generations. Founded by Antti’s great-grandfather, the vineyard has always been a family-owned and operated business. Over the years, the Vartia family has faced numerous challenges but has always emerged stronger, thanks to their dedication and hard work.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding: Established by Antti’s great-grandfather, laying the foundation for a legacy of excellence.
  • Generational Growth: Passed down through generations, each adding their expertise and passion to the vineyard.
  • Modernization: Under Antti’s leadership, the vineyard has embraced modern techniques while maintaining traditional methods.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Vartia Vineyard is not just a local business; it plays a significant role in the politics of Verbobonc. The vineyard’s success and reputation have made it a key player in the regional economy, influencing trade and commerce.
Political Influence
  • Economic Impact: The vineyard’s success boosts the local economy and creates jobs.
  • Trade Relations: Vartia wines are highly favored by merchants and lords in Verbobonc, Dyvers, and Rynehurst.
  • Alliances: The Vartia family maintains strong relationships with influential figures to protect their interests.


Gigur Nónason 
Antti Vartia works closely with Gígur Nónason, the guild master of the 3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall. Together, they handle pricing, advertising, and shipping via merchant wagons to the rest of the Viscounty and beyond. Their partnership ensures that Vartia wines reach a wide audience and command premium prices.
  • Collaboration: Joint efforts in marketing and distribution.
  • Mutual Goals: Expanding the reach of Cienega Valley wines.
  • Strategic Planning: Coordinating efforts to enhance the reputation and profitability of local wines.
House Milinous and House Asbury
The Vartia family maintains a delicate balance in their relationships with both House Milinous and House Asbury. While they appreciate the protection and opportunities provided by House Asbury, they are also cautious of House Milinous’s ambitions.
  • House Asbury: Enjoys a positive relationship, benefiting from their support and protection.
  • House Milinous: Remains neutral but vigilant, aware of their expansionist goals.

Community Involvement

The Vartia family is deeply involved in the local community, supporting various initiatives and events. They are respected for their generosity and commitment to the well-being of Cienega Valley.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The influence of the Vartia Vineyard extends beyond Cienega Valley, impacting trade and politics throughout the Viscounty. Their wines are highly sought after, and their success has made them influential players in regional affairs.
Regional Impact
  • Trade and Commerce: Vartia wines are exported to various regions, boosting local and regional economies.
  • Political Alliances: The family’s connections with influential figures help them navigate the complex political landscape.
  • Economic Stability: Their success contributes to the overall stability and prosperity of the Viscounty.


The Vartia Vineyard is a cornerstone of Cienega Valley, known for its dedication to quality and tradition. Under the stewardship of Antti Vartia and his family, the vineyard produces some of the finest wines in the region, contributing significantly to the local economy and the broader political landscape of Verbobonc. Through strategic partnerships and a commitment to excellence, the Vartia family continues to uphold their legacy and influence the world of winemaking.  

Vartia Reserve 568 CY

The Vartia Reserve 568 CY is a prestigious wine exported from the renowned Cienega Valley. The grapes used by the vintners of the Wine Cooperative are grown on a prime parcel of land between Fort Emridy and the town’s wine market. This vintage from 568 CY is a deep red wine, produced from the Vartia Vineyard, owned by Antti Vartia and his family. The vineyard's old vine-covered cottage and expansive vineyard stretch northeast towards Emridy Meadows, benefiting from the fertile soil and ideal growing conditions.   The wine is aged in a combination of oak and ipp barrels, giving it a complex flavor profile. It has a good nose, with aromatic hints of apples and freshly cut grass, making it a fine choice for connoisseurs. The aging process enhances its depth and character, making each sip a delightful experience.
Key Characteristics
  • Vintage: 568 CY
  • Color: Deep red
  • Aromas: Hints of apples and freshly cut grass
  • Barrel Aging: Oak and ipp barrels
  • Flavor Profile: Complex, with a smooth and refined taste
  • Price: 3 gold pieces per bottle
Antti Vartia by 3orcs
"Our vineyard’s roots run deep, just like our commitment to quality."

Antti Vartia and Family

"Wine is not just a drink; it’s a story of our land and people."
Antti Vartia
Antti Vartia is the current head of the Vartia family and the owner of the Vartia Vineyard. He is a seasoned vintner with a deep understanding of the art of winemaking. Antti is dedicated to maintaining the family’s tradition of producing high-quality wine and is respected for his expertise and commitment to excellence.
Antti is a hardworking and meticulous individual with a passion for winemaking. He is friendly and approachable, always willing to share his knowledge and stories about the vineyard. Antti is also deeply committed to his family and community, often participating in local events and supporting other vintners.
Born and raised in Cienega Valley, Antti has spent his entire life at the vineyard. He learned the intricacies of winemaking from his father and grandfather, continuing the family tradition with pride. Under his leadership, the vineyard has flourished, and their wines have gained recognition beyond the valley.
Antti is driven by a desire to preserve his family’s legacy and ensure the continued success of the Vartia Vineyard. He strives to produce the finest wines and expand their reach to new markets. Additionally, he is motivated by a deep sense of responsibility to his family and the local community.

Family Members

Anja Vartia
Anja Vartia, Antti’s wife, is a supportive partner in managing the vineyard. She handles administrative tasks and oversees the marketing and distribution of their wines. Anja is known for her keen business acumen and organizational skills.
Kari Vartia
Kari, their eldest son, is deeply involved in the daily operations of the vineyard. He is learning the craft of winemaking from his father and is passionate about continuing the family tradition. Kari is innovative and often experiments with new techniques to improve their wines.
Leena Vartia
Leena, the youngest daughter, is responsible for the vineyard’s hospitality and events. She organizes tours and tastings, ensuring that visitors have a memorable experience. Leena’s warm personality and attention to detail make her an excellent host.
Vineyard / Orchard
Parent Location
Vartia Reserve 568cy by 3orcs

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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