14. Tornio Ranch Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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14. Tornio Ranch

There are fields as far as the eye can see. All around you cows and goats frolicked and foraged in the sunny pastures, and crossing straight through the landscape run a well traveled road.   The road leads to a charming estate overshadowed completely by the floral pergola right next to it. The estate was worn by the elements, but in otherwise great condition. A milking facility stood in the corner and chickens rummaged all around the courtyard, and a small plot of land was used for a private vegetable garden. The farm had a friendly feel to it, the warm sunrays, and the gentle breeze were the main contributors to this.   Two barefoot children in country tunics and breaches chase chickens into the pen, another sits on the porch petting a kitten while their mother is shouting at three more to come out of the bard carrying pales. Out in the fields you see an older man wearing a wide brim straw hat and farm clothes looking over a cow. You hear the whine of wine from behind the farm stead.
The Tornio Ranch, situated on the southeast end of Cienega Valley behind the Druids Grove, is a well-known cattle farm and cheese-making establishment. Owned by Reku Tornio and his wife Iselle, the ranch is a thriving example of agricultural success in the region.


The Tornio Ranch spans vast fields dotted with cows and goats, set against the backdrop of a charming estate overshadowed by a floral pergola. The ranch is a bustling hub of activity with workers, children, and animals contributing to its lively atmosphere.  
  • Fields: Extensive pastures filled with grazing cows and goats.
  • Roads: A well-traveled cobblestone road crosses through the landscape.
  • Estate: A weather-worn but sturdy estate with a milking facility and vegetable garden.
  • Workers: Ranch workers, including children, contribute to the daily operations.


The Tornio Ranch has been in the family for generations, known for its high-quality cattle and cheese. Reku and Iselle have worked tirelessly to uphold their family’s legacy and contribute to the local economy.  

Politics of Verbobonc

The Tornio Ranch maintains a neutral stance in the local political landscape but is closely tied to House Asbury due to their land holdings and business operations.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Reku respects the mayor and often collaborates on community projects.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: Regularly supplies the fort with cheese and other dairy products.
  • Tanithil Mornala, the Druid at the Hearth of Obad-Hai: Often in heated arguments over land use and farming practices.
  • Cannon Austol Pengelly at the Chapel of the Cudgel: Supports the chapel with donations and supplies.
  • Tibor Timason of the Black Griffon Inn: A frequent customer who values the quality of Tornio cheese.
  • Gigur Nónason: Collaborates on wine and cheese pairing events at the Vintner's Guild Hall.

Economics of Cattle and Cheese

The Tornio Ranch plays a significant role in the local economy, providing essential dairy and meat products to Cienega Valley and beyond.
  • Local Markets: The ranch supplies fresh milk, cheese, and meat to the Cienega Valley Wine Market and other local establishments. Their products are a staple in the community, ensuring that the locals have access to affordable and high-quality dairy and meat.
  • 1. Fort Emridy: Reku has established a steady supply chain with Fort Emridy, providing the soldiers and staff with a reliable source of sustenance. The quality of Tornio meat is highly regarded, making it a favored choice among the fort’s inhabitants.
  • Verbobonc, City: The ranch’s products reach as far as the City of Verbobonc. While the cheese produced at Tornio Ranch is of high quality, it remains accessible to the common folk due to its affordability compared to the highly sought-after Gnome cheese from Greenway Valley. The gnome cheese, known for its exceptional taste, is much more expensive and beyond the reach of the average consumer.

Community and Regional Impact

The Tornio Ranch’s contributions to the local and regional markets are crucial:
  • Meat Quality: The meat from Tornio Ranch is renowned for its tenderness and flavor, making it a preferred choice across the region. It is considered superior to many other local producers, thus ensuring a constant demand.
  • Cheese Production: While the cheese produced by the Tornio Ranch does not match the unique flavors of the gnome cheese, it remains a high-quality, mundane product that caters to the broader market. Its affordability makes it a staple for the common folk, ensuring that even those with limited means can enjoy good cheese.


The Tornio Ranch is more than just a cattle and cheese farm; it is a vital part of the Cienega Valley community. With strong relationships and a commitment to quality, the Tornio family continues to uphold their legacy of excellence.
Tornio Ranch by 3orcs
"A well-fed cow is a happy cow, and happy cows make the best cheese."
Reku Tornio
The head of the Tornio family, Reku is an experienced cattle herder and cheese maker.
  • Description: An older man with a wide-brim straw hat, farm clothes, and a weathered face.
  • Personality: Hardworking, determined, and deeply connected to the land.
  • Motivation: To maintain and expand his successful cattle and cheese business.
Iselle Tornio
Reku's supportive wife, who manages the household and helps with the farm.
  • Description: A nurturing woman with a practical demeanor and a knack for organization.
  • Personality: Kind, efficient, and family-oriented.
  • Motivation: To support her family and ensure the ranch's smooth operation.
  • Eldest Son (16): An aspiring cattle herder, learning the trade from his father.
  • Second Son (14): Interested in cheese making, often helps in the milking facility.
  • Eldest Daughter (12): Helps with household chores and tending to the vegetable garden.
  • Third Son (10): Enjoys working with animals and is responsible for the chickens.
  • Fourth Son (8): Often seen playing with the kittens and helping where needed.
  • Youngest Daughter (6): The family's joy, always eager to assist her siblings.
"The fields of Cienega Valley are perfect for our cattle, producing the best meat around."
Parent Location

Tornio Ranch Cheese

Tornio Ranch produces a high-quality cheese that has become a staple in the Cienega Valley and surrounding regions. The cheese is a round wheel with a golden-brown rind, slightly cracked, and a creamy, pale yellow interior. It has a semi-hard texture with a few small holes, indicating its rich and creamy consistency. The cheese's flavor is mild yet distinct, offering a perfect balance between creamy and slightly tangy notes, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
Appearance and Taste
  • Appearance: Round wheel with a golden-brown rind, slightly cracked, creamy pale yellow interior.
  • Texture: Semi-hard with a few small holes.
  • Taste: Mild, creamy, slightly tangy.
  • 5 copper pieces per slice
  • 5 silver piece per wheel

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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