20. Feliks's Leathers Hides Harness Shop Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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20. Feliks's Leathers Hides Harness Shop

Feliks's Leathers, Hides, and Harness Shop is a cornerstone of craftsmanship in Cienega Valley, providing high-quality leather goods to locals and traders alike. Nestled on the western bank of Nigb's Run, this family-run business has deep roots in the community and plays a significant role in the local economy and culture.

Location and Description

Feliks's Leathers, Hides, and Harness Shop is strategically located on the western bank of Nigb's Run, near the bustling docks of Cienega Valley. This prime location facilitates the seamless trade of leather goods across the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Shop Exterior
  • Building: A sturdy stone and timber structure with a large, welcoming sign displaying the shop's name.
  • Location: Situated near the docks, providing easy access for river trade.
  • Surroundings: The shop is surrounded by lush greenery, with the gentle flow of Nigb's Run adding to the picturesque setting.
Shop Interior
  • Work Area: The main work area is organized yet bustling, filled with various leatherworking tools and materials.
  • Products: The shelves are lined with shoes, boots, saddles, harnesses, and leather garments. A section is dedicated to leather armor, showcasing Feliks's craftsmanship.
  • Customer Area: A cozy space with a counter for transactions and a few chairs for waiting customers.
"The Old Faith grounds us, guiding our practices and beliefs in harmony with nature."


Founding and Early Years
  • Establishment: Feliks founded the shop a decade ago, leveraging his skills and dedication to build a reputable business.
  • Growth: Over the years, the shop has grown, attracting customers from across the Viscounty due to its high-quality products and reliable service.
Role in Cienega Valley
  • Community Pillar: Feliks's shop is a vital part of Cienega Valley, providing essential goods and supporting the local economy.
  • Cultural Influence: The shop's alignment with the Old Faith reflects the community's traditional values and beliefs.

Politics and Relationships

Mayor Marcus Greensward 
  • Relationship: Feliks has a respectful relationship with the Mayor, appreciating his leadership and efforts to ensure the town's prosperity.
"Mayor Marcus is a fair and wise leader. His decisions have greatly benefited our community."
House Asbury 
  • Relationship: Loyal supporter, benefiting from the stability and trade opportunities provided by House Asbury.
"House Asbury's support has been crucial for our business. Their protection and trade routes ensure our prosperity."
Tanithil Mornala, Druid at Hearth of Obad-Hai
  • Relationship: Strong supporters and worshippers of the Old Faith, frequent collaborations.
"Tanithil's wisdom and connection to nature guide our practices and beliefs. His presence is a blessing."
Gigur Nónason, Guild Master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall
  • Relationship: Professional collaboration, providing harnesses and leather goods for the wine trade.
"Gigur's leadership in the vintner's guild has elevated our local wine industry. Our trades benefit each other greatly."
Feliks's Leathers, Hides, and Harness Shop is not just a place of commerce but a cornerstone of Cienega Valley's community. Through dedication, craftsmanship, and strong political relationships, Feliks and his family contribute significantly to the town's prosperity and cultural heritage.
"Quality and dedication define our work. Every piece we make tells a story."
Feliks is a robust man of 31 years with strong hands and a weathered face from years of working leather. His deep-set eyes reflect both wisdom and a commitment to his craft.
  • Personality: Dedicated and hardworking, Feliks is a master of his trade. He is patient with his apprentices and customers, always striving for perfection in his work.
  • Motivation: To provide the best leather goods in the Viscounty and ensure the prosperity of his family.
  • Politics: A supporter of The Old Faith and aligned with House Asbury, appreciating the stability and trade opportunities they provide.
Dranir (Feliks's Wife)
Dranir is a 30-year-old woman with a warm smile and nurturing presence. She manages the household and assists in the shop.
  • Personality: Caring and resourceful, Dranir is the backbone of the family, ensuring everything runs smoothly.
  • Motivation: To support her husband's business and raise their children in a stable environment.
  • Politics: Shares Feliks's beliefs and supports the Old Faith.
Bufton (Dranir's Brother)
Bufton, 25, is simple-minded but kind-hearted. He helps with simple tasks around the shop.
  • Personality: Gentle and eager to please, Bufton is a beloved member of the family despite his limitations.
  • Motivation: To be useful to his family and feel included in their daily life.
  • Politics: Neutral, follows the family's lead.
  • Jar (12): Aspiring apprentice, eager to learn the trade.
  • Grekk (10): Energetic and curious, often seen playing near the shop.
  • Shephi (9): Gentle and artistic, loves helping with simple tasks.
Craftsman, Leatherworker
Parent Location

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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