21. The Hasty Pixy Apothecary Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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21. The Hasty Pixy Apothecary

Across the Onovern road from 6. Church of the Cudgel is the town apothecary, a wooden cottage with ivy-covered walls. Parked outside the apothecary's front door is a ramshackle wheelbarrow, hanging above which is a wooden sign shaped like a potion bottle.   As you step through the door the sharp odors attack your nose, while your eyes adjust to the dim light. The walls are lined with shelves full of labeled jars with odd contents. A flower, an eye, a tooth, and seaweed. Dry herbs and plants hang from the ceiling of this small shop like fragrant bats in a cave. The owner, a scrawny man that seems to be the shop keeper turns as you enter.   "Good sir, how can I help you?" asks the wiry-haired apothecary. He creates and sells all manner of alchemical concoctions.
The Hasty Pixy Apothecary is a renowned establishment in the middle of the township of Cienega Valley, known for its wide range of herbal medicines and alchemical concoctions. The apothecary is owned and operated by Fionn Gillaskur, a skilled but eccentric apothecary with a deep knowledge of local herbs and remedies.


The Hasty Pixy Apothecary is situated across the Onovern road from the Church of the Cudgel, making it centrally located and easily accessible to the townsfolk of Cienega Valley.
Exterior Description
  • The apothecary is housed in a wooden cottage with ivy-covered walls.
  • A ramshackle wheelbarrow is often parked outside the front door.
  • A wooden sign shaped like a potion bottle hangs above the entrance.
Interior Description
The inside of the shop is dimly lit, with sharp odors of various herbs and concoctions permeating the air.
  • Shelves line the walls, filled with labeled jars containing odd contents such as flowers, eyes, teeth, and seaweed.
  • Dry herbs and plants hang from the ceiling like fragrant bats in a cave.
  • The owner, Fionn Gillaskur, a scrawny man with wiry hair, greets customers with a keen eye and a helpful demeanor.


  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Fionn maintains a cordial relationship with the mayor, often supplying herbs and remedies for the town's needs.
  • House Asbury: Fionn respects the authority of House Asbury and provides medicinal herbs to their members.
  • Yvan Cross the Priest of Pelor: Fionn has a professional relationship with Ytor, supplying herbs for healing and rituals.
  • Canon Austol Pengelly  at the Chapel of the Cudgel: Fionn frequently interacts with Canon Austol, providing remedies for the congregation.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: Fionn admires the commander's dedication to protecting the town and supplies healing salves for the soldiers at Fort Emridy.
  • Tanithil Mornala the Druid: Fionn often finds himself in heated arguments with Tanithil over the use of farmland, but they share a mutual respect for the natural world.
  • Tibor Timason: Fionn enjoys a friendly rapport with Tíbor, often sharing tales and drinks at the Black Griffon Inn.
  • Gigur Nónason: Fionn works closely with Gigur to ensure the apothecary's products are well-represented in the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall.


The Hasty Pixy Apothecary has been a staple in Cienega Valley for decades, serving the medicinal needs of the community. Founded by Fionn’s grandfather, the shop has grown in reputation, known for its unique remedies and Fionn’s unorthodox approach to herbal medicine.
Key Historical Points
  • Established: Founded by Fionn’s grandfather, a renowned herbalist.
  • Community Trust: Built a reputation for providing reliable, albeit unconventional, remedies.
  • Legacy: Fionn continues the family tradition, constantly experimenting with new concoctions and ingredients.

Politics of Verbobonc

Local Influence
The Hasty Pixy Apothecary plays a significant role in the local economy, providing essential medicinal supplies. Fionn’s relationship with various key figures in the town, such as Mayor Marcus Greensward and Canon Austol, ensures the apothecary’s continued importance in Cienega Valley.
Viscounty Relationships
  • Fionn maintains professional ties with House Asbury, providing herbs and remedies for their needs.
  • He navigates the political landscape with a focus on neutrality, ensuring he can serve all factions equally.
The Hasty Pixy Apothecary remains a vital establishment in Cienega Valley, bridging the gap between traditional herbal medicine and the needs of a growing community. Fionn Gillaskur’s dedication to his craft and his intricate relationships with local figures ensure that the apothecary will continue to thrive for generations to come.

Quest: Glands of Ettercaps

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Fionn requires the glands of Ettercaps, human-like spider monsters that lurk in the craggy Etters south in the Kron Hills.
The glands are crucial for a new potion Fionn is developing, believed to enhance night vision and agility. Adventurers are tasked with venturing into the Kron Hills, facing the dangerous Ettercaps, and retrieving the glands.
Upon successful completion, Fionn offers a generous payment of 50 gp and a selection of his finest herbal remedies.
Hasty Pixy Apothecary by 3orcs
"Alchemy is an art, and like all arts, it requires patience and passion."
Fionn Gillaskur
Fionn is a scrawny man with wiry hair and a sharp gaze. He is often seen wearing simple, practical clothing stained with various herbal extracts. His hands are calloused from years of handling plants and preparing concoctions.
Fionn is known for his eccentric but friendly nature. He is deeply knowledgeable about herbs and alchemy, though his methods and remedies are sometimes viewed as unconventional. Despite his questionable efficacy, Fionn is well-respected for his dedication and willingness to help the community.
Fionn is driven by a passion for herbal medicine and a desire to aid those in need. He seeks to expand his knowledge of rare herbs and alchemical ingredients, constantly experimenting with new concoctions.
"The old ways have much to teach us, if we are willing to learn."
Parent Location

Sales and Services

Herbal Medicines and Salves
Fionn creates and sells various herbal medicines and salves, though their efficacy can be questionable.
Purified Infused Herbal Water
Fionn sells a sweet, naturally carbonated water that bubbles up from a tiny spring behind his cottage.
  • Price: 1 gp per flask.
Herbs for Priests and Midwives
Fionn's primary income comes from selling herbs to local priests and midwives.
Rare Local Herbs and Mushrooms
  • Moonwort: 5 cp per bundle
  • Elf Ear Fungus: 2 sp per pouch
  • Bloodroot: 1 gp per root
  • Silverleaf: 3 sp per leaf
  • Dragon’s Tongue: 1 gp per petal
  • Ghostcap Mushroom: 2 gp per cap

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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