Summer Camp 2024 (Articles)

This is just a simple Article listing all the Articles I submitted for entry into Summer Camp 2024. My Goal is for a Silver Medal 16 Articles.  

Week #1

The Ilongo People
Ethnicity | Sep 5, 2024
The Deadfall Slopes
Geographic Location | Jul 3, 2024
The Great Book of Grudges
Document | Jul 3, 2024
The Scorch War
Military Conflict | Aug 4, 2024
The Scorching
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Aug 4, 2024

Week #2

Settlement | Jul 9, 2024
Jotenkin "Giant-Kin"
Ethnicity | Jul 25, 2024
Giant Coconut Crab
Species | Jul 9, 2024
Kylo's Grotto
Geographic Location | Jul 13, 2024
Dwarven Steam Packet
Vehicle | Jul 19, 2024
The Bathhouse of Vicentia
Building / Landmark | Aug 1, 2024

Week #3

Library of Ibris
Building / Landmark | Jul 15, 2024
Prayer Necklace of Tsydis
Item | Jul 11, 2024
Order of the the Quill
Military Formation | Jul 19, 2024
Holy Order of Movariss
Organization | Jul 18, 2024
King of Rivenar
Rank/Title | Jul 20, 2024
Lubris the God of Pestilence
Character | Jul 19, 2024

Week #4

The City of Vicentia
Settlement | Jul 29, 2024
Aranis Silverwood
Character | Jul 24, 2024
Great Leoporid
Species | Aug 7, 2024
Rat Catcher
Profession | Jul 24, 2024
Blood Worm
Species | Jul 25, 2024
The Seraphim Shields
Organization | Jul 25, 2024
Warp Plague
Condition | Jul 29, 2024

Week #5

lumulutang na bahay
Building / Landmark | Jul 29, 2024
Copper Sheeting
Technology / Science | Jul 29, 2024
Talisman of Apayao
Item | Aug 3, 2024
Iron Rations
Item | Jul 31, 2024
Thieves of Promise
Organization | Aug 2, 2024
Culmination Ceremony at the Festival of Moons
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024
The Frozen Tides
Geographic Location | Aug 3, 2024

WOOT WOOT! I never thought I would hit 32 articles for Summer Camp 2024!

  My Straggler Article I was hoping to Submit it but missed the cut-off. Maevras Black is a character who underwent a transformation.   GOTTA CLICK THAT PUBLIC BUTTON EVEN IF YOU HAVE A COUPLE WORDS TO FINISH.  
Maevras Black
Character | Aug 4, 2024

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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