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List of Factions by Type

No list of factions and organisations could ever hope to be truly comprehensive given how diverse, expansive, and ever changing Runetalras is; another complication in the attempted inclusion of secretive, illegal, and illusive organisations which by their very nature are difficult to compile.  

Adventurers and Exploration Guilds

Adventurers and Exploration guilds are typically organisations whose purpose is to travel to deal with threats, act as sometimes heroes, or explore the endless wild of Runetalras. Typically these guilds have some kind of guild hall where members can network, trade and buy gear, and get missions.   Golden Legacy - Are a renowned adventurers guild who draw upon their famous founders’ legacy, the great Julia Novalis Purger of Wastelands and Defender of the Reich. The Golden Legacy are viewed as one of the greatest adventurers guild throughout Runetalras, and their guild draws upon vast resources. Their adventurers are strong of will and body, and as a result are among the most expensive in all the world.   Hero’s Call - Are an adventurers guild who have their largest presence within the Union of Crowns, however they have links to like minded guilds in other regions. The Hero’s Call are regarded as elitist among the guilds only taking on the best or those they see promise in. They task their members to activities with little choice, and can be restrictive with information, in return they pay remarkably well.   Iron Souls - Are an adventurers and exploration guild who believe themselves to be a cut above the rest. Whilst others kill monsters and threats because they are driven by coin, the Iron Souls do so because they believe it is the right thing to do. The Iron Souls do not take contracts based upon their value, instead taking them as a result of the good they would do. The Iron Souls do take payment for their services.   The Slayers - Are a guild of individuals drawn together by their hatred of monsters and their willingness to pursue and destroy them. These people are hunters and warriors who are driven, for various reasons to seek to burn out creatures that threaten mortals. In their efforts to fund actions, and as a result of understanding the anatomy of what they seek to kill, they harvest valuable ingredients from creatures they kill and also take contacts to hunt out specific creatures.   Three Swords Adventurers League - Are an adventurers guild who have their largest presence within the Union of Crowns, however they have links to well established guilds in other regions. The Three Swords work to pair adventuring companies and explorers with the right clients, they provide a number of key services to their members, and occasionally bring people together to form new companies.   Torchbearers - are an organisation dedicated to protecting the Runetalras from the dangers of the Underdark and guarding the Darkroads. As a result, the Torchbearers are common throughout Aran’Nack, Craglands, and Makthoria. The Torchbearers range deep through the ruined Darkroads and into the Underdark to uncover threats and eliminate them.   Watchers - Are both an adventurers and exploration guild that operates out of the Draconic and Wild Isles, but has links to other guilds outside the region. The Watchers seek to map out more of the Isles, and importantly where its natural and unnatural dangers are. The Watchers can also be hired out to eliminate threats, although as they are most oft concerned with mapping out of threats.  

Crafters and Merchants

Organisations built up around the shared interest or profession of creating goods of a wide variety of kinds are easily understood, as are those who seek to sell and trade in these goods. They are the creators of goods, their sellers, and sometimes even unions. Typically these guilds provide training and spaces for members to craft, a discounted marketplace, and some form of magical item exchange.   Alliance of Shopkeepers - Was originally created to allow Shopkeepers to find individuals and businesses to buy quality goods from. It has now evolved into something more. Now the Alliance of Shopkeepers finance the production of a great variety of products to supply the countless shops in their network.   Grand Guild - Are a very influential, wealthy, and politically powerful merchants guild. As the Grand Guild expanded its reach it moved to encompass those who produce the goods they sell. Now the Guild has vast control over the movement of raw and crafted materials, as well as the contract to transport them. The guild is always interested in expanding its profit margins, leading its agents to travel wide and far to uncover new opportunities, sample materials, and neutralise threats to its hold over trade.   Metalurgic Institute - Are a guild of metalworks, blacksmiths, armourers, and has recently expanded to secure their supply chain by incorporating miners. The Institute is ambitious in its nature, keen to shut down competitors and add to their network. They are keen to find new sources of valuable minerals, new metalworking techniques, and information or wealth that could be used to expand their reach.   Noble Guild of Alchemists - Are a well renowned guild who as their names suggest are primarily concerned with the creation of alchemical concoctions. The Guild is able to create their concoctions without the use of magic allowing them to operate with far fewer restrictions, leading the Guild to become very wealthy off the backs of elites and adventurers. The Guild is often interested in the creation of new concoctions, and the discovery of new ingredients and recipes.   Workers Union - Are an organisation built from the ground up by common workers, those who were tired of merchants getting rich off their labour. They are leather workers, wood workers, blacksmiths, armourers, miners, and more. They establish places where they can come together, trade goods, and craft together, ensuring that all gain the true value of their labour.  

Criminal and Underground

Criminal and Underground organisations are a wide gamut as it can include criminal and assassins guilds, but also revolutionary and insurrection movements, as a result this category is more representative of their legalistic standing and methods through which they do business. These types of organisations allow members to obtain and sell goods of ill gotten gains, and also learn of targets that will advance their causes.   Breakers of Chains - are a loss coalition of escaped slaves, free peoples, and even disaffected slave masters they are united by two things; the common belief that no person should be enslaved by another, and the will to take action to disrupt an immoral system despite the risks involved.   Burning Brands - Are a brutal criminal guild who burn their initiates with the symbol of their organisation. The Brands are primarily concerned with violence and thuggery, they take jobs as assassins, bodyguards, and thugs. They are effective in their brutal way, and are willing to take jobs they don’t know full details about but they incur additional costs.   Corsairs of the Stormy Seas - It would be inaccurate to describe the Corsairs of the Stormy Seas as an organisation, they are instead a loosely aligned group of individual pirates, raiders, ship captains, and of course corsairs; there is frequent infighting and members are only barely kept in line by charismatic pirate kings who replace one another sometimes at an alarming rate, and oft bloodily. The Corsairs seek wealth and advancement, and they are not shy about using force to achieve these ends.   Dissenters of Ascendancy - also known as the Dissenters, are a rebel faction which opposes the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, for is racial discrimination and imperialistic nature. The Dissenters seek to stop the expansion and reform the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, and to improve coexistence between the races.   Eyes - Are a powerful criminal organisation, they bribe, intimidate, blackmail, and assassinate to gain political power, and on their way have built up a criminal empire to fund their activities. They are believed to be based out of the Union of Crowns, and serve a mysterious leader with none but the highest within the organisation knowing their face. The Eyes and the Syndicate have been engaged in a conflict over the less than legal trade within the region, often spilling out into street violence.   Great Take - Are a criminal organisation which is primarily focused upon the plotting, organising, and carrying out of heists, burglaries, and robberies. As a result of their activities, the Take have broad enemies ranging from merchants to museums to political actors; this has forced the Take to take precautions considered too paranoid for other criminal guilds. The Take generally target the corrupted or overtly and ostentatiously wealthy who will not suffer as a result of their heists, they also attempt to avoid violence.   Ironhoods - Are a criminal and underground organisation that is believed to have originated within the Craglands but has over centuries expanded its reach. The Ironhoods attempt to limit their activities to the less violent criminal enterprises of smuggling, thieving, acting as fences, blackmail, and spying. This is not to say the Ironhoods are pacifists, in their line of business violence does come up and they are adept at dishing it out.   Moonlit Followers - Are strange amongst the criminal guilds, in that the organisation and their members are not overtly concerned with the acquisition of wealth. Instead their members seem to be united by the thrill that a heist can provide, or are those who believe in a more equitable share of wealth, as the value of their heists are, through various means distributed to the poor and unfortunate.   Syndicate - Are strange amongst criminal organisations in that they now operate quite openly within the Union of Crowns, after gaining political legitimacy during the Days of the False King. While the Syndicate still has some underground functions, such as the sale of illicit materials and alleged violence, they have been making a concerted effort to sanitise their image and turn to more legal forms of acquiring revenue. In recent years the Syndicate has been known to collaborate with the Union of Crowns trading information for privileges or coin.The Syndicate and the Eyes have been engaged in a conflict over the less than legal trade within the region, often spilling out into street violence.   Tee'Chaher - are not a united force, military or politically. The Tee'Chaher are broken down into small commandos that function as distinct cell with their own brand of Tee'Chaher ideology. All agree that the current order is unjust and must be righted, each commando can interpret this differently varying from reformists to violent revolutionaries.  

Knowledge and Information

Guilds whose purpose is to acquire knowledge and information are not uncommon throughout Runetalras, as wise individuals know that knowledge is power. These types of organisations are able to provide their members with the ability to learn new languages, allow them access to researchers, and even provide their members with envoy status.   Crystal Order - The Crystal Order is the primary militant arm of the faith of the Octurn, being granted its status during the Second Thaxnorian Civil War. The Crystal represents the nature of the Octurn, as light flows through it it splits in various colours just as the deities who are one split into various forms. The Order itself serves to protect the faithful of the Octurn, typically stationing garrisons in large cities and free roaming, they also work to advance the interests of the faith, both within and outside of the borders of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria.   Donagogues - are amongst the oldest of the orders known to humanity, being formed with the Age of Contact when the discovered ruins and founded the White Bastion. They are an order dedicated to to transcribing and comprehension of knowledge; they do not just sit reading their ancient scrolls, although most certainly do that, they use this knowledge to advise and guide Lords, Ladies, and Monarchs throughout Thaxnoria and within some of the Free States. Donagogues revival magic viewing it as an innate danger, a sword without a hilt. The Donagogues send out agents to gather information and secrets through the known world, to better serve their purposes.   Lunar Order - is a monastic academic and militant organisation dedicated to the protection of the Moonlit Keep and the knowledge contained within. The Lunar Order’s primary purpose is that of gathering and protecting information, but the Order is also highly concerned with the preservation of its existence in a world hostile to it. The Order actively seeks out new information to add to its archives.   Order of the Cyriladel Star - also known simply as the Cyriladel Star, is an order of learned individuals who seek to gather and understand knowledge. Cyriladel Star often draws suspicion from the outside world as a result of its secrecy, exploration of ruins, and rumours of its use of the arcane and occult in spite of Kasari Law. The Cyriladel Star is headquartered in the Citadel of the Cyriladel Star in the Kasari Wastlands isolated from much of the world. The Cyriladel Star seeks out new information to guard, and threats to Runetalras.   Oxengrad University - is famed throughout the known world as a bastion of knowledge and free thinking. the University has faced difficulties, as it is often at odds with the vaules of the Monarchy and the Church of the Ebony Flame; with its various publications on contentious issues within Velgan society such as, the lack of Human genetic superiority, inter-racial and same sex relations, the equality of nonhumans and women, and the inhibiting effect the Church of the Ebony Flame has had on Velgan society, culture, and technology. As a result the University regularly draws disdain from nobles, clergy, and the small folk. As a University, its members are keen on covering various kinds of information, oft scattering once their initial studies are completed to make a name for themselves.   Reclaimed Library - is not a physical library in of itself, but is a clan of wandering elves who travel from clan to clan. The Reclaimed Library has a number of objectives, firstly to search for relics and information on the destroyed elven history, secondly, to create an image of Elventine history and culture, and finally, to go from clan to both collecting information and relics from them and teaching and informing those clans of new discoveries. The Library oft sends out agents to uncover new mysteries that can illuminate more about Elventine history.   Repository of Stone - is located within the ancient city of Aranthiag. The Repository is a gigantic archive constructed during the Age of the Elder Races to chronicle the history of the noble races and the history of the Ozer'Nack Empire and has come to chronicle the history of the Kingdom of Aran'Nack. The histories are carved into granite and cover over 220 miles of shelving. The Repository often sends out agents to explore the history lost to them, to uncover information from lost outposts and cities and uncover the various states of the Darkroads.   Weave Keepers - are an organisation dedicated to collecting and creating information and lore both mundane and arcane. While the Keepers are not inherently opposed to sharing information with those outside their order, however, they are highly selective in who they choose to share it with. The Weave Keepers actively search out information and lore throughout much of the known world to learn from and develop.  

Magic and Arcane

Guilds who focus upon magic and the arcane arts, even where magic is outlawed, are known to exist, with some being able to move themselves beyond certain aspects of the law and being a place where members can share their knowledge and experience. The members of these guilds are able to learn more of the arcane arts, obtain magic items and spell scrolls, as well as gain a type of envoy status.   Accord - The Accord was created after the infamous destruction of the Red Wizards . The loss of the Red Wizards left a power vacuum, this was initially filled by the The Arcane League , made up of former Red Wizards . However, after the Wars against Undeath the former Exarch of the Red Wizards and a member of the Destroyers of Undeath founded the Accord to push back against the influence of the The Arcane League. The Accord , much like the The Arcane League , is made up mostly of former members of the Red Wizards . However, unlike the The Arcane League the Accord does not shy from its members' chequered past, and instead grapples with its the complicity of the Red Wizards and uses this as a driving force to make a better order, one which seeks to make Runetalras a better place.   Arcane League - The Arcane League was created after the infamous destruction of the Red Wizards . The loss of the Red Wizards left a power vacuum, this was filled by the Arcane League, made up of former Red Wizards . The Arcane League served valiantly during the Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion and Wars against Undeath and earnt the goodwill and privages that the Red Wizards once enjoyed. The League exists in defiance of the Toc’vastil Accords , with every member excused from the Arcane Bastille system by order of the House of Peers and Crown. The League has a number of duties it is required to perform for Thaxnoria, and they serve other functions for their own benefit. The League serves the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, researches the arcane, seeks to secure wealth and influence; all these goals lead the League to often send agents throughout the known world to advance their agenda.   Bastille Mages - are the order of mages who exist within the Arcane Bastille system which police mages and magic. It is rare that someone chooses to become a member of the Bastille Mages, instead people are forced into the faction through imprisonment in the Arcane Bastille by the Brightswords. While the Bastille Mages initially existed simply as prisoners and victims of others actions. In the centuries since the Bastille Mages have evolved to make the most of the system they are forced into. They craft magic items, research the arcane, instruct new mages to control their powers, and actively seek out Maleficarum. These purposes lead the Bastille Mages to secretly send agents throughout the known world to advance their agenda.   Deepvein Arcanists - are the preeminent and most elite of the mage guilds of the Kingdom of Aran’Nack, they are elitist and only allow the most promising and well connected mages in the Kingdom. They serve as advisors to the Three Crowns, the rulers of Aran’Nack, the greatest source of arcane research, and even have functions within the process of policing mages in Aran’Nack.   Incarnate Order - Are a highly respected guild within the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy who are even brought in to advise the Crown, officials, and the military of the Kingdom. The Order are involved in various businesses including, magic item crafting, arcane tutoring, and arcane mercenaries; they undertake these businesses to fund their primary activities, academic and arcane research. The Order is active in much of the world, sometimes secretly, in their efforts to raise funds and uncover various aspects of lore.   Magintern - officially the First International of Free Magic Users, is an often illegal association of free mages and those sympathetic to their cause. The Maginter seek to support free mages, protect and promote the magic throughout Runetalras, subvert and free those imprisoned, and end the Toc’vastil Accords. To fund their activities they sell alchemical and magic items, actively strike out against those opposed to magic and those who threaten the safety of mages.   Witches of the Wild - Are a loose organisation of mages and spellcasters who have gained a nefarious reputation, which is not necessarily earned; the Witches have a tendency to remain on the outskirts of civilization and practice arcane or occult arts which draw suspicion from the small folk. Far from being nefarious the Witches are more of a supportive fraternity who assist one another where they can. The Witches typically have a desire to learn more about the arcane or occult and are willing to go to great lengths to discover their secrets.  


Militant organisations are common throughout Runetalras, and can include mercenary companies, factions within the militaries of kingdoms, knightly orders, and violent factions. These kinds of factions are able to provide their members with access to armouries, their fortifications or bases, missions to further their ends or enhance their coin purses, and even hold sway over some guards and soldiers.   Brightswords - are among the most widespread militant orders throughout all the known world. They exist as the primary ward against the misuse, abuse, and dangers of magic. Many of the Brightsword’s functions were established within the Toc’vastil Accords and they still hold true to this day, they are the ‘protectors’ of mages, hunters of maleficarum, and are the shields against the arcane. Charge Breakers - have an almost unique fighting style, specialising in the use of pikes and halberd. They are renowned for their abilities to break the charges of more heavily armoured combatants and experts at defending from cavalry charges. The Charge Breakers have served in wars throughout the known world, defending the flanks of armies, they have also earned renown for being expert personal guards for those with significant wealth; the Breakers are known for their commitment fighting to the end if it means protecting their charge.   Ember Company - Are made up solely of Humans this company specialise in the hunting and killing Tee’chaher and other nonhumans in return for coin. Typically members of the Ember Company have two things in common, a burning hatred for nonhumans, and are keenly skilled in the art of killing. The Ember Company have proved willing and capable to pursue a contract so long as it suits their need, which is the killing of nonhumans and providing coin. Forgotten - are made up of nobles typically too far down the line of succession in their families, or have been exiled from their homelands. They are decently equipped, but lack the highest quality of arms and armour, but are one of the more notable companies. They are well renowned and are not a very highly priced company.   Howling Griffins - also known as the Thaxnorian Special Forces, are an elite special forces unit within the Thaxnorian Military. They operate outside of the normal chain of command and report directly to the Crown, additionally they are maintained even during peace times. The Howling Griffins work to rout out traitors and threats to the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, even operating outside its borders to achieve this.   Knights Chivalric - are a knightly order dedicated to upholding noble ideals and virtues, the Knights also protect the Ardenals and its peoples. The Knights roam the lands as they believe it to be their noble duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, ensure the safety of the realm, and to vanquish evildoers and nerdowells; this has lead them to extend their reach beyond their realm in these efforts.   Night Company - are made up of a hodgepodge of races and ethnicities the Night Company first gained notoriety during the First War of Thaxnorian Expansion. They quickly became known as one of the most elite fighting forces in all of Runetalras, they are known for their use of longbows, and fast slicing weapons. They terrify their enemies with their lightning fast attacks, and attacks in harsh weather conditions or even at night. The Night Company has rarely been out of work since the War that gained them their infamy the Company has rarely been out of work, but when they are they raid towns and villages to keep their coin pouches full.   Purple Sails - are a joint venture between the Republic of Valantia and its countless merchants and guilds. The Purple Sails are the largest navy that sail the seas of Runetalras, with the second being The Republic of Valantia's, The primary purpose is to keep trade flowing. As a result they are in constant conflict with pirates and monsters of the seas waging a persistent war against them. They also serve as mercenaries, or sell sails as they call themselves, fighting in foreign wars.   Sentinels of Stone - are a militarist group dedicated to protecting the subterranean kingdoms and the surface of Runetalras from incursions from the slavers and monsters from the Underdark. They actively search out openings to the Underdark throughout the Known World, to map them out and the areas of the Underdark they led to, with a mind to close them off when possible.   Unbroken Company - are among the most expensive, most famous, and renowned mercenary companies in the known world. Their name is derived from their claim that they have never broken a contract. The members of the Unbroken Company are exceptionally trained and disciplined. The Company is made up of knights both mounted and foot, and archers, all of which are exceptionally equipped.   Vara Guard - are one of the more unique companies, primarily serving as personal guards to various kings and masters throughout the Free States and Yhess Kingdoms. They are composed primarily of the unlikely alliance of sea dwarves and Palemen who innately came to the region to trade or pillage but found common ground in hard fighting and hard drinking. They have proved themselves highly useful in defending those who contract them, and putting down insurrections and rebellions, all for a heavy sack of coins.   Wild Reavers - specialise in the hunting of great monsters, they are a selective bunch, who only take on new members when one is killed by the creatures they hunt, or find it necessary to fulfil a contract. The Reavers are willing to accept anyone into their ranks providing they can help kill monsters, this has lead to those from all corners of the known world, sorcerers, and even bards joining their ranks. The Reavers typically keep to a contract, however in the rare event that a person is willing to pay them more to leave a creature alive they will happily break the contract.   Worthy - are quite unworthy of their name; a company of particularly ill-repute. They are made up of bandits, murders, and outlaws, they have no standard of training or discipline. They only hold themselves beholden to a contract so long as it is convenient to them; should a contract prove difficult they will renege on it, should another offer them easy money they will take it.  

Natural and Druidic

Natural and druidic organisations are those with a deep connection and reverence of the natural world, and firmly know how to navigate them and avoid conflict. Members are able to take advantage of their knowledge of the natural world, access to the services of those with naturalistic magics, and knowledge of hidden routes to queer places.   Ancient Order - before there were wizards and knights there were druids and rangers, those who drew their powers and strength from their connections to nature, this is what the Ancient Order embodies. The Order advises leaders who are wise enough to seek council on matters arcane, natural, and practical, they also protect their groves, and actively seek out destructive forces.   Circle of Sulphur - is an organisation of druids, rangers, and like minded individuals who are committed to The protection of the unique and diverse lands of the Wild Isles. They are known to live in peace with a number of wild and monstrous creatures, and even bring them to battle against their enemies when defending the lands.   Pathfinders - are an organisation who seek to preserve the natural order, however, instead of deriving conflict from this ideal they seek to be more constructive. The Pathfinders find routes through forests and swamps, mountains and caves, which will lead people to come into less conflict with the environment, they also guide people to resources such as timber where its harvesting will do less damage to the inhabitants. Further in return for coin the Pathfinders will act as guards for people who are seeking to travel these paths, and further try to reduce the conflict their presence results in. The Pathfinders actively seek out new opportunities to reduce conflict between civilization and the environment, as well as threats to the natural order.   The Lodge - brings forth images of a hunting lodge decorated with the heads of felled beasts, this could not be further from the truth. The Lodge instead works to protect the environment and creatures within it. This involves combating poachers, those who harm the environment, but also fighting and slaying monstrosities, undead, and other outsider forces. The Lodge has been known to range far and wide in this duty.  


Religious order and organisations are common throughout Runetalras, given the importance of the deities this is no surprise. The shape and purpose of these organisations differs wildly, from those like the Shadow Masks who act not dissimilarly to thieves guilds, and those like the Lords of the Storm who act as militant-religious orders. In general, given their shared connections to the deities, they give members access to certain benefits including knowledge of religious practices and lore, access to those who are versed with divine magic, and access to a variety of magical holy relics in return for adequate service and donations.   All Seers - are an order dedicated to the research of the arcane and mundane, and also to the worship of the Knowing Mistress, the deity Ioun. the All Seers work to gather and research more, they guard this information only revealing it when they believe it benefits society. They send out agents throughout Runetalras to uncover more knowledge of the mundane and arcane. Within the Atarsid Isles they operate out of the Gem Towers of Sultans.   Ancient Order - are a loose organisation of those who seek to preserve the natural order and are deeply associated with the deity Savrus. They work to disrupt the actions of those who would ruin this natural order through their destruction to the natural environment and life.   Balancers of the Scales - are a religious order that serve both as guardians of the dead and fighters against necromancy and undeath. Factions of the Balancers might concentrate on stopping the spread of disease, another on the prevention of murder, and yet another on eliminating the scourge of the undead. But despise the undead and work to some degree to eliminate them, for undead of any sort are seen as an abomination of the natural order.   Biting Chill - are a religious order who pay worship to the deity Auril, the Frostmaiden. They work to prepare the lands for the savage winters, while protecting those who have allegiance to the Forstmaiden.   Black Hands - are a religious and criminal organisation tied to the deity Bane, the Lord of Darkness. They seek to carry forth the laws of their deity, that the strong should be at the top of society and it is they that should rule. To accomplish this they murder and assassinate those they see as weak.   Bleak Obligation - are an order dedicated to the deity Jergal and the dogma of their cult. The Obligation works to perform funeral rites for the dead and protect their interment, primarily within the Atarsid City-States. They make known to make use of necromancy, with a key qualifier, that only those who break the fundamental laws of society like murder. The Obligation also works to destroy and undermine the influence of those opposed to their beliefs, names those who rampantly spread undeath like Myrkul, Kiaransalee, Yeenoghu, and Orcus. Within the Atarsid City-States they are viewed with a degree of reverence, although being kept at a distance due to their duties, outside the Atarsid City-States the Obligation are reviled as necromancers.   Blessed Night - are a faction of individuals dedicated to the deity Selûne, the protection of life, and the creation of art typically focused upon the moons of Runetalras. The Blessed Night offers sanctuary for those who need help, finance arts of various mediums, and though distasteful, have agents who combat threats to life and existence.   Bloody Hunt - can only be said to be a loose faction of crazed and violent madmen who worship the deity Malar. They oft seek to gain the curse of lycanthropy to honour their deity and assist in their bloodlust.   Children of the Great Mother - are a religious order of those who pay worship to the deity Chauntea. They serve to help those in need, care for the weak and sickly, and attempt to make Runetalras a better place.   Craftmasters - are an organisation made up of skilled crafters and the faithful of Phar. They work to create spaces where crafters can work and share ideas. The Craftmasters also facilitate the sale and seek to help their members find patrons. Agents of the Craftmasters also seek to discover new materials and techniques from across Runetalras.   Crimson Warmasters - are a militaristic and religious organisation which believes that war and battle should be conducted with skill in martial abilities and strategy. They act as a kind of mercenary military advisors instructing soldiers, conscripts, and knights to better use their martial skills, and monarchs, leaders, and generals in the strategic arts.   Dark Guard - are an organisation of nefarious individuals who oft worship the deity Shar. The Dark Guard work to gain influence and power, through often illicit means, briary, blackmail, deceit, and more violent methods.   Dark Stars - are a criminal and religious order who are made up of murders and freedom fighters, those who rob to give to the poor and those who rob the poor to take it for themselves. The Dark Stars serve to offer safe havens to those who indulge in the illicit arts and those who pay worship to the deity Cyric, the Prince of Lies.   Deneir’s Light - is an organisation strongly linked to worship of the deity Deneir, they are an order that are dedicated to the protection and creation of information regardless of its nature. They are prominent within the Yhess Kingdoms, where the more popular Moonlit Keep have failed to gain much of a presence.   Doomsayers - are an occult organisation dedicated to the Lady of Doom, the deity Beshaba. They seek to bring about misfortune upon those that have wronged them, and alter fate in their favour.   Druids of the Wild Oak - are not as their name suggest solely a group of druids, instead they are an organisation made of individuals who venerate the natural world and oft the deity Silvanus. The Druids work to ease the tensions between the wilds and civilisation, they also seek out threats to the natural order.   Enduring Penitents - are a monastic religious order dedicated to healing the weak and the deity Illmater. Members of the Penitents travel Runetalras seeking to help those they come across.   Golden Order - are a faction of those devoted to the deity Waukeen and the acquisition of wealth. The majority of the Order are merchants and bankers who work to create better systems of trade, integration, and other systems to perpetuate wealth. Other members of the Golden Order are mercenaries and bodyguards, securing trade routes and shops, as well as travelling with caravans, all for a price.   Guardians of Groves - are a decentralised organisation which rejects hierarchical structures. They are instead united by the common desire to care for the natural world, and combat threats to it.   Hammers of the All Father - Are an order of warriors and warrior priests dedicated to the deity Moradin and the protection of good and honourable people. The Hammers act to hand out what can be seen by outsiders of the Morndinsamman, as harsh and stern justice, although it is fair. They also protect people from the horrors of the Underdark and the ever present threats of goblinoids and other so called monstrous races.   Harpers - are a loose organisation of bard, troubadours, singers, adventurers with wanderlust, and those who worship the deity Milil. The Harpers chronicle the great tales of Runetalras, which often leads them to take up adventuring, or at least tag along with adventurers to write epics.   History’s End - Are the primary religious order of the Seldarine pantheon, they are dedicated to the restoration of knowledge and to a lesser extent the defence of the faithful. History’s End seeks to regain the knowledge that was lost when the Elventine Empire fell, to restore the Seldarine to its former glory; they do this by exploring ruins, uncovering lost lore, and creating pieces of art and writing that display their knowledge. History’s End do attempt to avoid conflict, but their priests are adept at combat and defending themselves and their people. Due to their nature, History’s End sends their agents throughout the known world to restore their former glory.   Horns of Forest - are a faction who believe that the forests of Runetalras must be protected against encroachment, and oft worship the deity Mielikki. Whilst they prefer to resolve their conflict through peaceful means, they have turned to violence. The Horns have been known to send agents to search out threats to nature throughout Runetalras.   Joydancers - are a faction dedicated to revelry, bringing about happiness, planning festivals, and to the deity Lliira.   Justice’s Wrath - are a military religious order more akin to factions of vigilantes who worship the deity Hora. they, often extralegally, exact their version of justice or revenge upon those they believe deserve it.   Lords of Even Justice - are a military-judicial order dedicated to the deity Tyr and upholding their view of order and justice. They are empowered to enact their version of justice, within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria during times of war, strife, or conflict. Lords of Murder - are a criminal organisation made up of crazed cultist, violent murders, and those who enjoy making other suffer. They do so for their pleasure and to pay worship to the Lord of Murder, the deity Bhaal.   Lords of the Storm - are the primary military arm of the Cult of Talos. The order believes that its most holy tasks are preserving the worship of Talos, combating the evil threats of demons, devils, weave abjurations, and undead, and maintaining the artefacts of the Cult of Talos. The Lords go about their holy duty in an overt manner, where the forces of extra-planar forces dwell the Lords ride out with thunder at their back to meet their foe, raining down steel and lightning upon them.   Masters of Plague - are a faction who pay worship to the deity Talona. They are made up of witches, crazed cultists, and those fascinated by death and disease. They work to develop greater plagues and poisons, with most testing them upon unwilling participants.   Ordained Light - are a military religious order dedicated to the deity Horra. They work to maintain the order of the Atarsid Isles, and are closely associated with its political leaders.   Ordained Order - are a military and religious order who worship the deity Amaunator, Light of Law. They are firmly tied to the political order of the Yhess Kingdoms.   Order Draconic - Is the primary military order of those faithful to the Draconic Pantheon. The Order, while strongly tied to the Draconic Pantheon is not officially a part of the faith, nor is it a part of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, instead it maintains its independence through donations from nobles as selling goods from those it defeats. The Order strives to protect the faithful of the Draconic Pantheon, as well as fighting the great evils of the world such as undead, devils, and weave aberrations, leading them to be active far beyond the borders of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy.   Order of Stone Strong Faith - Is the primary order of the faith of the Morndinsamman which crosses the line between a military, crafting, and merchants guild. The Order is firmly tied to the organised faith of the Morndinsamman, receiving its full support. The Order serves as the militant arm of the faith of the Morndinsamman, but maintains its independence from kingdoms and faith through the production of high quality crafted goods and a merchant league that sells them and invests its wealth. The Order is active throughout much of the world combating threats and ensuring its wealth.   Order of the Burning Shield - are among the most beloved orders of the military religious order in service to the Radiant Lady, however, at the same time the least resourced and least powerful. This is perhaps because the Order has made itself a pariah amongst the faiths of the Radiant Lady, as they refuse to participate in wars and campaigns in which the small folk suffer. By much of the organised faith of the Lady they are also seen as heretical, as they take a lenient stance of mages and nonhumans choosing to accept them if they are good of heart and seek to make Runetalras a better place.   Order of the Holy Flame - came to prominence as the primary military order of the faith of the Radiant Lady in the aftermath of the Toc’vastil Accords where previous preeminent order, the Smouldering Swords, were disbanded and co opted into the Arcane Bastille system. This brought the Order of the Holy Flame to fore as the protectors of flame and faith, since the Order has served as temple guards, protectors of the faithful, and bearers of the flame bring the faith to new peoples. The Order has grown desperate, as the Smouldering Swords have reformed and retaken their place as the preeminent order.   Platinum Knights - are a military and religious order dedicated to the deity Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. The Platinum Order only accepts the finest warriors who are able to provide their own weapons and armour suitable for the order. Platinum Knight sully forth to dispatch evildoers and monstrosities, and willingly accept donations to maintain their duties.   Raven’s Sight - are a faction dedicated to the deity the Raven Queen and pursue its interests. The Raven’s Sight are made up of warriors, spellcasters, and those adept at gathering information; they seek to purge necromancers, undead, and those who seek to abuse the natural cycle of life and death.   Resonant Voice - Are an organisation dedicated to the deity Larethian, head of the Seldarine pantheon, and also to the principles of warfare and the arts. While the voice is dedicated to warfare they do attempt to avoid battle resorting to sound tactics and diplomacy to minimise the actual fighting. They also pursue the arts equally glorifying themselves and their faith. The Voice are active in pursuing their interests throughout the known world.   Righteous Fury - are a religious-military that operate within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria. They are connected to the worship of Torm and the ideals of noble warriors, just conflict, and protection of the weak.   Rising Dawn - are a militant religious order dedicated to the deity Lathander. They believe that undead are an anathema to life and their destruction is a holy act, and believe that inaction against the forces of death allows this evil to prosper. They are active in their efforts, sending agents to uncover and destroy evil.   Scarlet Talons - are a despicable order dedicated to bringing about suffering in others and to the deity Loviatar. They capture freepeoples and slaves to torture those unfortunates they pray upon. They are particularly common amongst the corrupt nobles and elites.   Servants of the Blue Flame - are dedicated to the practice of the arcane and discovery of information. They seek to improve the image of mages in Thaxnoria and the wider world, through the sensible practice of magic and pursuit of those who practise Forbidden Magic. They maintain secret libraries where they are clandestinely active. There have been persistent rumours the group have a link to the ruling family of Thaxnoria House Gathral. The Servants of the Blue Flame are also strongly tied to the deity Azuth.   Shadow Masks - are a criminal and religious order, who pay worship to the Lord of Shadows the deity Mask. The Shadow Masks are a mixed bunch, they are made up of those who only steal from the rich and those who wound not suffer as a result, and also those that would beat an old woman in the streets for their coin purse. They are united by their ambitions, skills, and worship to the Lord of Shadows.   Shadowmist - are a criminal and religious order, who pay worship to the Lady of Deception, the deity Leira. The Shadowmist function as spies and informations who seek to gather information, both to sell and please their Lady of Deception. They have also been known to assassinate their targets if necessary. The Shadowmist are made up of both good hearted individuals who act though less than legal means, and also cruel bastards wholly of self interest.   Silver Shields - are unlike the Platinum Knights in many ways, their entire existence is a response to the Platinum Knights. The Silver Shields believe the Platinum Knights are the height of hubris and a perversion of the faith of Bahamut. The Silver Shields do not have any great castle to their name, they simply travel the roads seeking to right wrongs and restore justice to the world.   Singers of Passion - are an artistic and religious organisation dedicated to the deity Sune and art associated with the deity. The Singer of Passion help find donors and patrons for their painters, writers, playwrights, musicians, and bards, as well as serving as a forum to participants and receive feedback. The Singers also work to seek out worthy stories to create art about, this leads a number of members to take up adventuring to create truly epic works of art.   Smiling Lords - are a faction of powerful and wealthy individuals who also pay worship to the deity Tymora. They are a significant political faction within Valantia’s political scene. They seek to gain more power and wealth, members also work to gain a portion of that power and wealth, and function as enforcers.   Smouldering Swords - are an offshoot of the Brightswords , and strongly aligned with the Cult of the Eternal Lady to the point of being, effectively, a militant arm of the faith. They work to protect the weak, defend Runetalras from mages, and further the faith of the Eternal Lady.   Tide Masters - are a religious order dedicated to the deity Khui, they combat threat that are found upon the rivers and seas of the Atarsid Isles.   Vigilant Watch - are a military and religious order who venerate the deity Helm. They maintain vigil on the city wall, castle battlements, and the dirt streets of villages. They are fine warriors who seek to protect people and civilization from monsters and destruction, leading with townguards and militias in their defences.   Warmasters - are a military and religious group who seek to battle dangerous individuals, factions, and creatures to prove that the Warmasters are superior. Some factions of the Warmasters believe that it is right to engage in just and combat which does not ideally end in death for either participants, while others believe it is only with the threat of death that one can give everything they have to battle.   Wave Watchers - are a loose organisation primarily made up of those who worship the deity Umberlee. The Wave Watchers, as their name suggests, are concerned with the oceans and waterways of Runetalras; they operate lighthouses, bless ships, work against the threats of the deep ocean, and can be hired to travel on ships to help protect them.   Weave Writers - are a faction of arcane practitioners and worshipers of the deity Mystra. They are an organisation who seek to promote the use of magic, and also facilitate its practitioners with resources and protection. Members are known to travel Runetalras to obtain rare ingredients and also to seek to protect magic users. Wondercrafters - are on order who seek to share knowledge on crafting with one another to create the greatest wonders of Runetalras, and to of course sell these wonders out of their workshops which they host their members within. The Wondercrafter are also firmly tied to the deity Gond.

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