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Jaya Locke
The Sanguine Thorn

Human (Sanguine Ferrum Initiate)
Sanguine Fighter 2
24 / 24 HP

Daughter of Kragen the Sire of Cruelty, saved by the Sanguine Ferrum and adopted by Captain Locke.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of The Land

Garruk Jaya Jace Xavier Vincenzo Jin
Run by 0NEF0RALL
Sun 9th Apr 2023 06:55

Kuldarian Iced Tea

by Jaya Locke

The group dispersed.
Jaya went towards the man who had the Remedy. Garruk followed off to the side. Silas and Brin looked around.
Jaya asked the man with the remedy to dance, but he was able to get the attention of Mrs. Trollio to assist him. During a partner switch, Garruk was able to swipe the remedy before the goon could pass it along to Mrs. Trollio.
Silas spoke with Jack. Jack made it obvious that he knows who the group is and that they are trying to meddle in his plans. Jack is just about to stab Silas when the Queen announces the start of the Queen’s game.
The Queen’s Game: Each person is either a Jack, Queen or King. A Jack beats a Queen. A Queen beats a King. A King beats a Jack. You can challenge someone who is the same or less than who you are (ex: Queen can challenge a King or Queen) If you challenge someone who can beat you, then you must give them a card. If you challenge someone who is the same as you, you play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Mr. Dandy took Brin to the side and told him that Pia sent him and the weapons and such that they were not able to keep with them were hidden by a statue in the ballroom, just in case.
The party won the Queen’s Game and won the chance to have dinner with the Queen. They invited Mr. Dandy to join them. There, they got to see just how insane and paranoid the Queen had become. They mentioned a tea that was too strong for Victoria to drink, so the competitive nature had the Queen wanting to try it. A person came in wanting her to sign the declaration of war, but the group was able to convince her it was unlucky to do so without finishing the tea. She mentioned the tea not being warm, so they mentioned it is served the Kuldarian way, Iced Tea. It took a lot of finagling, but she finally drank the tea. She passed out and a weird black creature (daemon maybe?) crawled out of her mouth and shriveled up on the table.
Then the party was attacked by her Harlequin Rose guards who were working with Jack. Once they were dealt with, Mr. Dandy said he would stay with the Queen so that the party could deal with whatever was happening in the ballroom.
When the party got into the ballroom, various Harlequin Rose Anarchists were spread throughout the ballroom, many dancing with nobles. They all were looking towards Jack who had a woman by the neck dangling over the 15 ft drop onto the dance floor. He saw the party come in and said “Ah, you’re just in time” and then sliced the woman’s throat and let her drop. Immediately followed by each Anarchist slicing the throat or stabbing the noble they were with. This included Mrs. Trollio stabbing Mr. Trollio and Geneva stabbing the Florist.
Jack pulled out a sword and it radiated a magik to it. He placed it to the ground and it traced the room with a light and went up the swords of the statues by the door, sealing everyone inside.
The party gathered at the statue where their weapons were stashed and prepared to fight.

Jaya's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Mission Letter - Dark Sanctuary Knighthood
  2. The Journey Begins
    15 Dec 2022 04:53:59
  3. A Wretched Night
    20 Dec 2022 03:56:17
  4. Lifting Spirits
    22 Dec 2022 03:55:56
  5. Of Drunks and Doctors
    27 Dec 2022 04:03:51
  6. RP Chat Investigations
    27 Dec 2022 04:04:26
  7. Dr. Prettleborn and Mr. Hat
    29 Dec 2022 06:12:33
  8. They're Coming
    03 Jan 2023 11:49:53
  9. A Holy Quest
    05 Jan 2023 04:25:53
  10. He's Not Dead
    12 Jan 2023 10:19:29
  11. Bandits, Lupidregs, and Frenzied Friends
    12 Jan 2023 10:20:09
  12. Does Everyone Have Their Toes?
    19 Jan 2023 09:41:45
  13. Batman Smells
    19 Jan 2023 09:42:17
  14. Cheers to new friends
    26 Jan 2023 04:56:03
  15. Message from beyond the grave
    26 Jan 2023 04:56:40
  16. Sewers and Roses
    01 Feb 2023 03:02:36
  17. Stick and Twig
    02 Feb 2023 04:31:25
  18. Talbot's Oddities
    14 Feb 2023 05:47:40
  19. Anarchy Will Reign
    14 Feb 2023 05:48:25
  20. Desecrated Land, Wretches and Zombies
    14 Feb 2023 05:49:27
  21. The Loss of a Friend
    24 Mar 2023 01:56:15
  22. The Sound of Silas
    24 Mar 2023 01:58:43
  23. A Priest Walks Into A Brothel
    24 Mar 2023 02:01:20
  24. The Owl Witch
    24 Mar 2023 02:03:06
  25. We Are Bad Botanists
    24 Mar 2023 02:04:17
  26. Love is what keeps back the darkness
    24 Mar 2023 02:05:36
  27. Up and Coming
    24 Mar 2023 02:07:43
  28. Beware the Bonefairy
    24 Mar 2023 02:08:34
  29. The Chosen of Abaddon
    24 Mar 2023 02:09:22
  30. Jaya's Nightmare and Brin's Comfort Zone
    24 Mar 2023 02:10:18
  31. The Ocean Sucks
    24 Mar 2023 02:11:41
  32. The True Born Son of Dreki
    04 Apr 2023 03:01:08
  33. The Journal Entry’s title
    04 Apr 2023 03:01:08
  34. Filler Episode
    04 Apr 2023 03:01:43
  35. Sloegarde's Big Balls
    04 Apr 2023 03:02:38
  36. Kuldarian Iced Tea
    09 Apr 2023 06:55:21

The major events and journals in Jaya's history, from the beginning to today.

Badge with Azazel's Merit

10:37 am - 06.05.2023

After the night of, likely much needed, fun and celebration. The party heads upstairs to their rooms. Upon rounding the corner leading to the hallway, there is an open window. Their attention drawn to it when they hear a HOOT HOOT. The look and see and owl sitting on the sill. It is looking at them with unblinking eyes. It looks around, checking the hallway for others. There is no one but them. Then the owl bursts into a large plume of feathers that obstructs the window for a long moment. When the feathers recede, there on the window sitting like they saw before, the Owl Witch. No tea this time, she leans against the wall on one side lazily. Her hood still preventing her face from being fully revealed. Owl Witch: "It seems that you have been doing well since our encounter in the Wicker Woods. Many triumphs you have had. Impressed I am. Knew I chose well, I did. The time for you to face that which banes us both is nearing. No doubt you have met the Wicker Hag's Witch, the one they call Jack. I have come to tell you that which I seek from our deal. Jack's sword. Its handle is made of a substance that I desire, imbued with the power of the Wicker Hag it is. Get this from him and bring it to the edge of the nearby Woods the following night. I shall come to retrieve it. A simple matter of this for that. Do this and you shall have completed your end of the deal and be released from the spell that binds us." (The party is free to interact with her if they want, in between her leaving) When she is done, she almost melts away into feathers and gently blows out the window, the feathers like a flock of birds departing through the night sky

03:04 am - 04.04.2023

(A few nights after defeating Lorcan) Jaya sleeps heavily, exhausted still from the events a few nights ago. She dreams, seeing Lorcan and relives the moments of being tossed around so easily. She has been knocked around before but this was different. The difference in their raw power.. until she for the second time, this time reaching even further into her heritage, unleashing the dormant abilities within and allowing herself to tap into the strength of the Vampires. She relives the flashing of her Obsidian sword that took his arm, then his life. Her dream self standing in a pool of blood, smiling, relishing in the brutality. The background fading away until it is just her and the pool of blood in a spotlight circle. Talking to herself, lamenting. 'if only I had been able to make him suffer more..' she strokes her face leaving streaks of blood in the wake of her fingers. 'more, MORE. Next time I'll peel them slowly.' The scene fades and in the darkness a familiar voice speaks out. "Good.. Good.. Well done my precious. Dig deeper into your power.. As I told you before.. you know what you can do.. do not fear it.. let it in.. let it consume you.. only then shall you be free.. and when you do.. I shall finally come for you.. what a joyous day it shall be.. soon..." then the dark fades into a new image. A mountain of bodies piled up, a disfigured, mutilated, flayed. Some still alive, screaming, crying, begging. It starts at the bottom then works it's way to the top, revealing Jaya at the top, sitting on a throne of thorns with a pleased look on her face and behind it, a large dark shadow in the oversized shape of a person with a large cape, it's jagged ends fluttering with wisps of darkness. No distinguishable features on the face except blood red eyes and a wicked, fanged smile. Then a hand comes out of the dark and places itself on her shoulder and an overlapping laughter of Jaya and Kragen sounds out as the scene fades away until she wakes up in a cold sweat.

03:04 am - 04.04.2023

Symbol of Abaddon

02:13 am - 24.03.2023

Desecrated Land, Wretches and Zombies

Upon entering the cemetery, the group has a bad feeling. Most recent tombstone date 50 years ago Finally understanding the feeling they felt, Jaya and Silas realize that the land was desecrated. It was once a holy place, but has been perverted/distorted...

05:49 am - 14.02.2023

Anarchy Will Reign

The group meets Genevra who is the Rival of Mr. Dandy. She is the sponsor of the fighter going up against Drekiksyn. The Florist is 1 of the owners of the Garden Club. He says the other owner is a Silent partner and it is not the florist’s place to say...

05:48 am - 14.02.2023

Talbot's Oddities

There has been a sudden uptick in violent crimes in Sloegarde. Talbot’s Oddities Owned by Talbot Talbot is a Dark Hunter. In his younger days he was kind of a hot head and got greedy with the types of monsters he would hunt, but started collecting in...

05:47 am - 14.02.2023

Stick and Twig

The Rat Man: Pierce it with Silver! Stick the courier Found delivering a crate to a siren in the sewers. Jaya followed him and tortured him (just a little bit) and finds out that he was hired by “the masked man from the Harlequin Rose” to delive...

04:31 am - 02.02.2023

Sewers and Roses

Jaya heard some stuff in the tavern: she gets the impression that the one man, who stated 'gonna regret', his wife had cheated on him with a person of a less reputable lineage and he blames the man for sleeping with his wife. The other man is intending t...

03:02 pm - 01.02.2023

Harlequin Rose symbol

04:57 am - 26.01.2023

Message from beyond the grave

Pia knew Queen Victoria before the Crown’s Contest. They were both friends with Queen Ludocelia. She says that Victoria was always more serious and lacking in humor. Pia’s brother owns a boutique, Maurizio’s Mysterios, that sells some lovely mask...

04:56 am - 26.01.2023

Cheers to new friends

The group kills the Batman fairly easily then heads to Sloegarde. Ardito: old friend of Silas’. He is a bard that also is working at the general store. He says that the queen has become a little funny lately In the store, the group meets 2 people...

04:56 am - 26.01.2023

Batman Smells

Little creature: Creehoul Ritual to unlink the creature from a person. Takes an eyeball, bones, and blood. Make a cage of bones, smash an eyeball on the creature and use blood to draw a pentagram on the forehead of the skull used for the cage and recite ...

09:42 am - 19.01.2023

Does Everyone Have Their Toes?

The group finds the mine and there is a camp set up in front of it. Jaya and Garruk check and there is no sign of life except for a squirrel. There is a place that looks like something was buried. There is a sloegarde engraving on the lock on the mine...

09:41 am - 19.01.2023

Group Logo

10:21 pm - 12.01.2023

Bandits, Lupidregs, and Frenzied Friends

The group destroys the bandits (1 bandit gets away) Loot: 2 short bows 10 arrows 5 daggers (For Garruk) 14 darts (For Garruk) Can throw multiple darts at a time (Garruk can practice this) Dex save DC 13 One creature within 20ft on fail, creature ...

10:20 pm - 12.01.2023

He's Not Dead

Jin bonds a bit with the 2 Dark Sanctuary members that are from JinJaru (Feng-Hu and Dai Yu). They do morning prayers together and drink tea. Dai Yu explained to Jin the Dark 10 and mentioned the vampire that had Jaya was Kragen (one of the dark 10) Fe...

10:19 pm - 12.01.2023

Jaya's Dark Sanctuary Badge

10:28 pm - 06.01.2023

A Holy Quest

Visited Remus on the way back to Joan’Stella Jin and Vinny go to return the donkey. They bought the donkey for 5 gp. Jaya’s meeting with Locke: He tells her about some Vandalism: a small statue of Joan was defaced to look like a clown. This was...

04:20 am - 05.01.2023

They're Coming

This Mr. Hat is not as strong. (AC is lowered from 16 to 14) Mr Hat has Vulnerability 1 to Radiant “This is only temporary. I will be back eventually. If you can only send me to Hell, I will see you there. I’ll be watching you from Hell as you’re ...

11:49 pm - 03.01.2023

Dr. Prettleborn and Mr. Hat

Mr Hat attacks. He is trying to get his book back. When the party kills him, he burns away and the doctor is revealed. The doctor slumps against the wall, seated on the ground. His eyes open and he looks around. He starts to speak but then the voice of...

06:12 am - 29.12.2022

RP Chat Investigations

Jaya speaks to Wilkard and his wife is Usimi, parents to one of the missing children "It was a normal night like any other. We said our goodnights and tucked him into bed. He has his own room and we made sure the window was locked tight." no sign of for...

04:04 am - 27.12.2022

Of Drunks and Doctors

Silas: Captain Gremis: Believes that a foul creature of some kind with a degree of intelligence about it is the culprit. Avoids detection and leaving a trail. Can leave quickly, quietly and unnoticed. A theory is that the children go willingly and go outs...

04:03 am - 27.12.2022

Lifting Spirits

Remus’ Recipe: Can only benefit from it once every 2 weeks. No sign of wretches going towards the town. The wretches that retreated (there were 2 of them) moved towards the coast. Silas found herbs that he can brew into a tonic that can cure someon...

03:55 am - 22.12.2022

A Wretched Night

The group starts off on their travel. Garrik hunts and gets enough food for today and tomorrow. He also finds a path that leads to a cottage. There is a humanoid that is dragging something wrapped in a tarp towards the cottage. The tarp wrapped somethi...

03:56 am - 20.12.2022

The Journey Begins

Jin and Silas travel into Joan'Stella together. -Silas goes to the church to be officially switched to the Circuit Clergy. The Cardinal, Asmaris, sends him to a village called Helmfirth whose priest recently was killed. It was suggested that he join wit...

04:53 am - 15.12.2022

Mission Letter - Dark Sanctuary Knighthood

"The expanding small town of Helmfirth that is outside of Joan'Stella to the West has reported that their Priest has been killed three weeks ago. Suspected to be Wretches or Lupidregs. Since then in the weeks following, there have been several disappearan...

12:21 am - 15.12.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jaya.