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Tue 4th Apr 2023 03:02

Sloegarde's Big Balls

by Jaya Locke

Owl Witch shows up:
Owl Witch: "It seems that you have been doing well since our encounter in the Wicker Woods. Many triumphs you have had. Impressed I am. Knew I chose well, I did. The time for you to face that which banes us both is nearing. No doubt you have met the Wicker Hag's Witch, the one they call Jack. I have come to tell you that which I seek from our deal. Jack's sword. Its handle is made of a substance that I desire, imbued with the power of the Wicker Hag it is. Get this from him and bring it to the edge of the nearby Woods the following night. I shall come to retrieve it. A simple matter of this for that. Do this and you shall have completed your end of the deal and be released from the spell that binds us."
Jack’s sword is essentially his want. It is made of wood with steel filigree. If we separate him from his sword, he will be unable to utilize some of his abilities.
Witches/Warlocks start out with an item that is a conduit of power. It is up to the Witch/Warlock to grow that power. The owl witch’s is an owl. It is one of the owls that she is surrounded by, but she is surrounded by so many, we would never know which one it is.
Handsome, but single
Boring - deals with the irrigation and agriculture of Sloegarde.
Mr. Trollio does not like him.
Should be at the ball.
To get a hold of Domino, He gave Garruk a code word to give any falconers at the mail places. It isn’t for Domino specifically, it is actually for Mr. Mendez, but the game set uses it. (to redeem a letter, you give the code word and ask if there is any mail)
There is a commoner’s ball near the palace for those who were not invited with the nobles at the palace.
The Trollios and Mr Dandy are attending the masquerade.
The Pope has left the castle. The Queen has become distrustful towards the pope, so he took his leave before she had a chance to develop too much ire towards him. He has been told that he is a capable individual, his hymns are particularly potent, but he does not fancy himself a fighter and doesn’t expect a victory in defending himself against her.
Vanessa did not receive an invitation, but she will be nearby at the commoner’s ball keeping an eye on the palace.
Pia and Ardito are also going to be at the commoner’s ball.
There was a man ransacking one of the rooms, trying to steal the remedies for the Hysteria Root. He was wearing a mask that looked like the Harlequin Rose masks.
He takes a potion vial and takes off. He ends up getting grabbed by a wicker taker and whisked off to the castle.
At the Ball:
Jaya turned in her obsidian sword and dagger, but snuck in 2 boot knives, her garrote, and one of the remedies in an underboob flask.
Silas was able to bring his bible, but handed in his dagger.
Brin was able to convince the guards his rapier was part of his outfit
Jaya can see/smell the blood trail of the person who stole the 3rd remedy.
The group goes into the castle. The party starts in the throne room. Each group approaches the queen who is on her throne and greets her with a bow.
2 harlequin rose come in with a man. The man is pushed towards the throne. The Queen says that the man is a traitor to Sloegarde. He is being accused of sending information about Sloegarde to Queen Victoria in Joan’Stella. He is sentenced to death, but the queen says she is fair and will give the man a chance. If he can land a hit on her in 3 moves, he is free, otherwise, he is sentenced to death. She unsheathes her sword. It is a twin to Victoria’s. He does not succeed and dies.
She says that she has heard of the treachery of Joan’Stella. She says that today, after she signs the papers, Sloegarde will go to war with Joan’Stella. The guards are not present because they are preparing for the war.
Then the masquerade begins in the ballroom. The Queen’s Game shall begin shortly.
Because today is so important, it starts the new regime. If anyone interrupts the night or makes a scene, they will meet the same fate as the man who died, minus the courtesy of the attempt to fight.
Jaya sees the man who stole the remedy. He has a bandaged neck. He is heading towards the ballroom.
He is definitely up to no good.
Brin recognizes that he is searching for something.
The group sees him look at Jack, look at us, then start heading towards Jack. Then Jack backs away into the crowd. The Queen watches the dancing off to the side.