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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:04

We Are Bad Botanists

by Jaya Locke

The group was able to track the wicker three and defeat them, obtain the pinecones and twigs, create the little pseudo voodoo dolls and drown them. Once that was done, they were able to navigate the woods with the map that they were given.
The group gets to The Farm. The people that they encountered in the woods agreed to join the ploy. The leader said that the group was there to gather more Hysteria Root because “Stick lost a big portion of the last batch”.
The group pretended to be “gatherers” and collect the Hysteria Root, but purposefully did it poorly (trimming the last buds of the plant to kill it type of thing)
Jaya was able to use their bumbling idiocy to obtain a journal from the greenhouse area.
Silas overheard them talking about setting up an ambush, especially in Area D where the best stuff was located.
Jaya and Garruk wandered a bit pretending to look for the bathroom. Then once they found the bathroom, they put on masks and pretended to be doing a supply run check list which let them wander around a bit more. They got into Area D.
Area D felt different. Like there was a pressure in the air and the Hysteria Root was especially dark and had a wispy black stuff coming from it.
There was an area that was locked that they couldn’t get into.
On the group’s way out, they overheard the people in charge talking about dinner, so Jaya told them that Silas was very good at making Stew. They asked the group to stay and make dinner. The group agreed, the people from the woods agreed to meet up later on with the carriage.
When the group got to the makeshift kitchen area, they had set up a prank of making it seem like the group needed to use human meat for the stew.
A member of the Harlequin Rose was sniffing around, but couldn’t speak. He signed. Jaya called him Julio since he couldn’t tell them his name. The group decided to add the wyrd glass/knock out gas into the stew and hand out wine as well so that the pass out isn’t too out of place. They tried it out on the mute person first just to see how long it takes for it to take effect and how deep the sleep is. Jaya took the stew to him and he fell asleep within a few minutes and slept hard enough for her to rifle through his pockets and obtain his keys. The group finished up with the rest of the stew and wine and handed it out to the rest of the people at the Farm.