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Thu 5th Jan 2023 04:25

A Holy Quest

by Jaya Locke

Visited Remus on the way back to Joan’Stella
Jin and Vinny go to return the donkey. They bought the donkey for 5 gp.
Jaya’s meeting with Locke:
He tells her about some Vandalism: a small statue of Joan was defaced to look like a clown. This was in the market area of Joan’Stella.
Locke gives Jaya her letter of invitation to the castle for her knighting ceremony.
He tells her he’s proud of her.
Jaya got knighted as a knight of the Dark Sanctuary. The Queen also bestowed to her the Merit of Protection.
The Queen’s sword is different, makes a sound. When Jaya asks Locke about it, he tells her it is made out of meteorite.
Vinny is made a researcher of the Order
Silas is given a silvered Book of Joan.
Jonah and Johanna come bursting into the throneroom asking if it was true that the group had a vision from God. He doesn’t accept that it is true. Jonah has 2 different gauntlets.
He places a gauntleted hand on Silas’ chest and says he is planning to ask questions. It is rumored that if it is placed on someone and you lie, it burns you.
Jonah asks:
What is your name?
You received a vision, correct?
What made you believe that everyone else shared this vision, everyone else referring to the people in your shared party?
And you saw, no one else in your shared vision?
Jonah says it doesn’t make sense because his daughter (Johanna) is the reincarnation of Joan and if there is a Holy Quest, it doesn’t make sense that she wasn’t a part of it. Johanna got upset finding out why he brought her there and admonished him for acting like she should have been part of this quest. She said he needs to remember his place now that she’s the High Inquisitor and she can handle herself.
The queen says they will be spreading work that the group is embarking on a Holy Quest and provides 30 gp for the journey.
Locke pulls the group aside to tell the group:
The statue of Joan was defaced in the marketplace a few days back. Locke asks the group to keep an ear out for information while in Sloegarde. It is thought that the vandals are from Sloegarde. Princess Vanessa went to Sloegarde to investigate this (alone, against the advice of the others)
He provides a charcoal rubbing of a crest that looks like a jester face with a harlequin pattern on it.
The people who ran off (the vandals) were dressed as Jesters.
The queen does ask if we spend at least a week in Sloegarde investigating. They just ask that they send information we find via messenger hawk. We are given specific ribbons for this information.
Jin and Silas buy Holy Water, Silas also buys an upgraded healer’s kit
Jaya finally gets her Chakram
Vinny gets a whip