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Thu 15th Dec 2022 04:53

The Journey Begins

by Jaya Locke

Jin and Silas travel into Joan'Stella together.
-Silas goes to the church to be officially switched to the Circuit Clergy. The Cardinal, Asmaris, sends him to a village called Helmfirth whose priest recently was killed. It was suggested that he join with the Dark Sanctuary initiate who was tasked with the same mission.
--He was told to meet the initiate at the Tavern: Uplift Spirits owned by Bilsworth
-Jin goes to the Palace to deliver a message to Princess Vanessa. He is stopped by the guards asking if he had an invitation, but alas, he only had an obligation. He was turned away.
--Silas finds Jin wandering around. Silas says that he thinks that the person from the Order might be able to get him into the palace, so Jin joins him.
Jaya tells Vinny about the mission and that they need to go. Locke says that if Jaya dies, he'll kill her.
At the Lifted Spirits
The group all gets together and Jin shares his tea. They all decide to head out to Helmfirth together.
The Bartender lets the group rent a donkey for 1 gp, but they must bring it back in good condition or it will cost 25 gp. Jin seems to have a way with the small angry horse, so he is mostly in charge of it.
Half a day out of Joan'Stella, the group settles in and makes camp for the night.