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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:03

The Owl Witch

by Jaya Locke

Before the forest:
They come upon an archway that had dead bodies hanging around:
Jaya smells pine on the bodies
Does not seem like there was a sign of struggle, dead on arrival.
Inside the Forest:
Forest critters scurrying, see an owl here and there.
Jaya and Garruk hear: Distressed voices - discordant and sounds far away. Direction shifts around.
The group found 3 individuals (humans)
There were 10, now there are 3. Dave, Steve, Craig
They have been lost for days. They don’t have food and there is nothing to hunt.
Something is taking them.
They have a map, but it isn’t taking them to the right place. It was given to them by a masked individual at the farm.
They were trying to make some moves to make enough money for travel. They weren’t there for delivery or retrieving anything. The 10 of them had taken it upon themselves to return to the farm to steal
They help diagram the farm with Jaya.
There always seems to be mist around the forest.
They had been chased periodically and lost their way. They aren’t even sure where they are anymore.
While talking to the people, Plant creatures come bursting out of the trees. Movements like a scarecrow come to life. 1 took Dave.
Plant creatures are called Wicker Beasts and the Wicker Takers
Larger twig creature (15 ft) not fully formed. (Wickerman)
The smaller twig creature jumped into it and became part of it.
Dave ended up being inside a cage inside the large twig creature.
The people said that the Wicker beasts harass them, the Wicker takers take them and bring them to the Wickerman and then the Wickerman sets itself on fire and they die that way.
The wicker 3: 3 individuals that disapperated after the Wickerman burned. The sounds of the forest came back after they left.
Owls and a lady with tea appear on a branch.
She does not like the wicker beasts.
She acts very much like an owl.
She says there is a trick to getting out of the forest/defeating the wicker 3.
She is a witch.
She says she needs a favor done, a task to be done once we are out of the forest. She won’t tell us the task, but she guarantees that it won’t harm anyone that we don’t wish to harm. In return, she will tell us the way out of the forest. If we don’t make the deal, the party will just wander around the forest until they are whittled down by the wicker creatures. Jaya and Garruk agree to her deal.
The trick to being able to get through the woods is when the Wicker 3 disappear, they leave behind pinecones and twigs. When that happens, take the pinecone and tie the twigs to them in a cross shape then drown them in the stream where we saw the Owl Witch.
The Wicker 3 are the ones who create the Wicker beasts, takers and man.
To track the Wicker 3:
Jaya can follow the scent of pine.
Isamu can follow the lack of forest creature noises.