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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:10

Jaya's Nightmare and Brin's Comfort Zone

by Jaya Locke

A town Called Redemption
Village got approved for Township. The name of ‘Redemption’ was Pavel’s idea in honor of the prisoner who helped the town out. The town adopted the idea as it will be a place where people can start over.
The trip back:
Mendez taught Brin some fencing style fighting with 2 weapons and gave him a rapier. He also taught him how to fight smarter, not harder.
Ace spent time with Garruk and Mendez taught him a few tricks (exploits).
Domino spent time with Jaya showing off.
Candlelight Service:
After the service, the land of the town was consecrated.
Accepted the part of himself that inspires hope in others.
Back in Sloegarde:
The Game set: They say there is more of them, a total of 6 people in their group.
Ace, Domino, Rook, Gold General, Dolly/Roulette, Yahtzee
Group of dark hunters. They don’t always travel together.
Ace and Domino are currently waiting to see where the others will be going next.
Mendez and the Game set buys the group drinks
Escort Mission:
Daniel III requests an escort to a location near the coast.
He doesn’t go to church often, has sensitive skin to sunlight, and likes juicy meat.
His father, Davvin III, lives in a lighthouse and needs supplies. Davvin’s apprentice, Leonard, went on a supply run to Sloegarde and never came back. Not sure what happened. This is why Daniel didn’t feel safe coming on his own.
Davvin has seen sirens and heard their songs at night.
A siren’s song is not inherently bad, it is the intention behind it. Sometimes it could be just a simple song.
He has met good and bad sirens.
He has befriended sirens before.
Sirens were made before the war in heaven.
Sirens live longer than humans.
In their family, they alternate names, so 1 generation is Davvin, next is Daniel, next is Davvin II, next is Daniel II, and so on.
Last name: Fairbreeze. Brin knows a different Davvin Fairbreeze from a while back. His friend had been taken by a hag at one point and has been gone for a while since being taken by the crew of the Skinned Alive ship.
There is a place that is as much an urban legend as the ship itself. It is an island not too far off of Escarra that is rumored to be their “base”.
The crew left in search of an island with treasure. Davvin Fairbreeze was with them. When they came back they were all in bad shape, Davvin wasn’t with them and their ship was not there.
After Brin spoke with Davvin III, Davin III asked to be alone but asked Brin to tell his son that he loves him. When Brin gets back, they hear a thump from upstairs. They go up there and see Davvin III laying dead.
They bring the body down and go to burry him (put him in a boat with a hole in the boat).
Daniel III plans to stay until a replacement can be found.
The group is thinking of going to Pia’s and seeing if any of the people that were working for Jack wish to take over the lighthouse.
They leave and while they are in the boat, they end up surrounded by sirens. Jaya is looking over the edge and gets grabbed, but makes like a cat in a bathtub and escapes and hisses (her fangs even extend.)