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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:11

The Ocean Sucks

by Jaya Locke

Chieftain of the Sirens of the Sea (named Skrelak) and has been made to be a servant for Jack. She cannot get out from under the control of the Wicker Witch. The wicker witch came to her asking for help, tricked her, stole her scales and bound her to Jack. Jack wears a necklace of her scales. If he dies while wearing her scales or wills her death, she dies. If they can get the necklace away from Jack, return it to the shoreline and toss it into the sea.
Saving her would benefit the group.
A token that is granted from a chieftain that provides safe passage once while at sea. A scale with a scintillating rainbow color. There is a faint humming coming off of it. When it is needed, snap the scale and toss it in the water.
One of the reasons that the Wicker Witch came to the sirens, she needed a plant that only sirens had access to. It is called Siren’s Call/SeaSong. It is a type of kelp. It gives off a faint humming sound that can open up humans’ minds to certain influences. The herb, peppermint, can disrupt the effects of SeaSong. (must be fresh peppermint)
She promised that the sirens would protect the lighthouse as they have always done. It is important to them that the boats do not crash because “when they crash, they clutter”.
The Island of Pain:
It is indeed a real place.
Not as many sirens populate those waters because the men are cruel.
If we come across a school of sirens that belong to the Sea Queen, the token cannot help you. Only her followers deign to go near the island of pain. (you will know them if you see them)
Siren traditions change based on the whim of the leader.
Sirens are not too different from the people of the land. They have different races. Sirens can come in the form of sharks, jellyfish, etc. The Sea Queen is no exception. She doesn't like to be talked about. She is one of the more rare types. She is half octopus/half kraken.
They never named their race before the humans named them and they just kept it. They are named after their siren song. So they just call themselves sirens when they are half humanoid half sea creature.
The Lighthouse Keeper (old man) definitely had sex with a siren and Jaya definitely thinks that it was Skrelek.
20 gp for finishing the mission at the lighthouse.
Arm Wrestling
Mendez, Domino and the party.
Prize: Potion of Minor Regeneration: 1d4+2 then 1d4 per round for 1 minute
Domino convinced Silas and Brin to put their “fancy books” up as a bet. He put one of his guns on the table along with some fancy silver bullets.
Domino won. He didn’t keep the books, but only signed “domino was here” and drew a picture of a domino inside of them.
Performance Contest:
Mendez did an escarran dance
Ardito did an acrobatic performance with knives and fire
Brin told a story (he won 50% off entire purchase coupon at Talbot’s)
Going through Julio’s notes: There is a mention of the Wicker Hag planning to contribute to “The Harvest”.