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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:09

The Chosen of Abaddon

by Jaya Locke

The group kept fighting, but it wasn’t looking great and more possessed were coming inside. Then the priest jumped out of the window and ran off. As it started to look like the battle was going to overwhelm the group, Mendez and the Game Set came and took over so that the group could follow the priest. The priest ran through the mine and down a hole that landed them in a cavern. Inside the cavern there was a crevice that they were able to crawl through and got into a large place that looked like a church/cathedral.
There was an engraving on the wall that said, “And they should be made to crawl on their bellies to enter the Kingdom of Darkness.” in old Stellan.
There was a symbol of Abaddon on the door
It was definitely desecrated land (but worse than the cemetery)
There was a sound similar to what the kid told Silas they hear at night..
The priest is chanting and slits his throat and individuals appear out of the ritual circle
The first one, Zaishin says, “So you are them. You are the ones that we have been chosen to kill.”
The second one, Seyhdi, says, “Special yes, special in regards to ones chosen by God. Some would say the most special of people. Where you are the chosen of God, we are the chosen of Abbadon.”
When asked what they were chosen for, Seyhdi says, “Sent to kill you, to stop you from completing the mission God sent you.”
During the fight another one showed up named Lillith. She is a beast of a fighter. She can use fire, she’s quick, and she can parry attacks.
Seyhdi is a priest like magic user who can heal others.
Zaishin is a good fighter who can become ethereal/ghost like.
When the group defeated Seyhdi and Lillith went down, Lillith said that the Priest screwed up the ritual, so they were not at full strength or full numbers, then she died and Zaishin decapitated himself
As the group made their escape from the church, it crumbled, looking burned.
When they got out of the mine and back to the town, they are greeted by Mendez and the Game Set. It looks like anyone who had been possessed has reverted back to normal. The party, having been gone for maybe about 30 mins total, saw that in that short time the possessed had begun to run rampant and were attempting to set whatever they could on fire along with attacking anyone who wasn't possessed. It seems that no one died but there are many with a good amount of injuries, however they will heal with time.
Mendez: "You have returned, and in one piece too. This makes me happy, I am pleased to see you all unharmed. The ones here have been dealt with. As to be expected from the Great Andres Mendez! All the villainy has been defeated! My senses tell me so. It seems you all have done well to root out the evil that had taken hold of these people."
Domino: "Indeed. Well done."
Ace: "What happened to the Priest?"
the people of the Village are starting to come out of their hiding places and homes. The Mayor seems to be gathering the people for a headcount and perhaps for a chance to explain/understand what happened