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Wed 1st Feb 2023 03:02

Sewers and Roses

by Jaya Locke

Jaya heard some stuff in the tavern:
she gets the impression that the one man, who stated 'gonna regret', his wife had cheated on him with a person of a less reputable lineage and he blames the man for sleeping with his wife. The other man is intending to help by bringing a club. It is clear they intend to harm this person
Jaya followed the men to a florist shop. She was able to get them to leave without it leading to a brawl. She wore a mask, leading the florist to believe she was part of the Harlequin Rose. He gave Jaya a rose-like flower with red petals with black spots on them, almost in a pattern-like formation. He said, “If you adorn this on your lapel, all will know you have my favor."
The florist also said, “Mr. Hearts did say that there were more and more people joining up all the time.”
She learns that there is a Masquerade coming up soon, a big one, perhaps THE one of Sloegard. Coming up in a few weeks. They seem to be talking about who one of them has their eye on, she was embarrassed to be called out but doesn't deny it. She also learns that there is some kind of game that is played by those that are invited as well, with some big prize to the winner.
It seems that the couple's friend was killed while within the city, discovered by the docks. It looks as though he had escaped who/whatever killed him but he was covered in fecal matter and died from his wounds and infection shortly after being found. They are holding a private service for him in a few days. Gergorio was his name. He was an early morning fisher that worked privately for the premier seafood chef of the upper side.
Visiting Mancio Barbaro:
He had collected some fur from the body. It is brownish black. Jaya smells it and it does not smell like anything she has ever seen before, but it does smell like shit (literal shit).
There were some defensive wounds
He died from infection, not the wounds themselves.
Whatever killed him had 5 fingers, larger than a human.
Georgia requests that we tell his brother to check under the floorboards underneath his bed. He can have that.
He says he was killed by something large, has teeth fast, hairy, and smelly. He was walking down the streets and was pulled into the sewers by his heels.
He saw a glowing green light. That is what he followed. It led him out of the sewers. When he got to the green light, he didn’t spend much time looking at it, but it looked like some weird fungus or mushroom growing on the wall.
He was heading home from work. He was dragged through a pipe. It was a good amount of distance, then he escaped up a ladder which led him to the docks. He emerged from a manhole cover. He came out into an alley. He was already succumbing to the sepsis.
Something that struck him as odd was as soon as he was getting close to the pipe that led him to the ladder, he could have sworn he heard people laughing as if they were at a table at a tavern.
Inside Sloegarde, the Harlequin Rose are known to help out the citizens. In terms of trouble, it is usually just minor acts of vandalism that is not often too costly (at least not more than the individual can afford)
The Queen’s Game: The Game of Cards
The game tends to change from year to year to keep things interesting. It usually involves people receiving a card.
The prize is called The King of Hearts and they get a dance with the Queen of Hearts (which is the queen) and they get a one on one private dinner. Those that win the game tend to rise in station afterwards.
You have to be invited into the game itself, but most people are able to attend the event.
The group gets in the way of a carriage that happens to belong to Mr. Trolio.
The Salty Searing
Small boat at the docks
Brin talks to the Dock Supervisor named VIliren:
He said that there were 3 men who found the man coming out of the alley.
Micirida (Dock Master)
Drekiksyn & Bayrin:
Brothers that found Gregorio
Gregorio’s brother should be coming by tomorrow to pick up Gregorio’s boat.
Bayrin and Jaya hit if off. Bayrin claims he caught a 50 lb tuna with his bare hands. Jaya didn’t totally believe it, but Drekiksyn claims it’s a true story. The boys say they will meet up with the group at La Machera after they get off work.
The Sewer:
There is a grate that covers the opening of the pipe. It looks like it was shoved there from the opposite side. It doesn’t look like it fits originally.
There is a pile of food stuff. There are barrels of grain, produce and cheese. No meat.
None of it is rotten. It seems all of it is edible. None of it is fresh, but only about a day or 2 old.
It looks like it is placed in a temporary spot.
The rat swarm acts strange.
Lots of trash.
Kitchen Knives (Jaya picked up 4)
They get to a certain point and see a creature that looks like a rat human thing.