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Thu 26th Jan 2023 04:56

Cheers to new friends

by Jaya Locke

The group kills the Batman fairly easily then heads to Sloegarde.
Ardito: old friend of Silas’. He is a bard that also is working at the general store. He says that the queen has become a little funny lately
In the store, the group meets 2 people who also had the vision the party had. Their names are Brin and Aspian. Brin is a cartographer from Escarra that has been in Sloegarde for a few days. Brin is from JinJaru who has been in Sloegarde for about a year.
The group comes upon 2 nobles attacking 2 men. 1 of the men seems to be protecting the other (who has a kid with him). The man who was protecting the other ends up being the Pope. He says that there are people coming down with a sickness of the mind. At first he thought it could be a bad batch of hysteria root, but he said it looks a bit off and hasn’t wanted to say anything until he was more certain.
People would seem normal, then go into a fit of madness, something out of character (fits of yelling, harming someone else) then they don’t remember anything.
That’s why he doesn’t think it is hysteria root. Because with Hysteria root, they still remember their actions.
He says that the queen of Sloegarde has even displayed some unusual behaviors.
Jin brings forth a spirit that is around the Pope.
Minnie: She came to say that the pope came to take care of her during her final days. Didn’t leave her bedside for an entire week and made her transition to death the most peaceful she could ever hope for.
She gives her secret cookie recipe.
The pope asks that the group helps him figure out what’s going on.
After saying goodbye to the pope (aka Pal), the group went to La Machera Inn/Tavern which is owned by a woman named Pia. Garruk got in trouble for cutting up the table.
At the Tavern, a girl that was a server there, named Iliria, was an old friend of SIlas. Her brother also worked there (as a dish washer.) The group got rooms for a week while they investigate things in Sloegarde.