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Tue 4th Apr 2023 03:01

The True Born Son of Dreki

by Jaya Locke

Mr. Mendez has departed for his next adventure. Domino and Ace are still around.
The group gets together at La Machera to recap their day and have dinner together. It has been 2 weeks since they got back from Redemption.Vanessa has gone off for her nightly training.
All of a sudden a scream is heard along with breaking objects and glass. Then a bunch of wretches burst into the tavern and start attacking. Those who were scratched become zombies. A vampire comes in:
“I heard about your little vision. I am not here for that. I am here because you have been interfering with the plans of the harvest for far too long. When this day is done I will rise into the realms of nobility.” - Lorcan
“You will not get in his way” - Lorcan
Lorcan (the vampire) is the trueborn son of Dreki (one of the Dark 10)
Ace died from being Iceploded.
They defeated Lorcan
Jaya kept Lorcan’s fangs, but sent Garruk to Talbot’s with the head and arm.
Jaya found a scroll written in Feratu in the pocket of Lorcan
the plans with the Harvest are coming along nicely. The Wicker Hag has made good on her promises and has collected what she needs to amass a large contribution to His return. The war will bring us a large steady supply of souls to fuel the seal breaker. These interlopers who believe that God sent them a message are fools. Her empty throne will not save them, but I do believe someone sent the vision but it matters not who. Tonight I prepare to bring glory to your lineage. I shall strike these would be saviors from this world and He will be that much closer to his return. Blood shall flow as wine when the King walks among us again and the plague of humanity shall be made clean. Then the true mission shall begin. When all is ash and dust, the Humans will beg us to save them, but the farmer does not heed the word of cattle. Death and worse shall spread and the King will be the bastion."
Garruk wrote a letter to Tommek and learned:
Lorcan has an older brother named Isfuaire the Final Frostfall.
He wields a powerful enchanted weapon Winter's Bite.
Last sighting of him was in Kuldar near the Woods
Dreki line vampires share a common weakness, fire.