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Tue 14th Feb 2023 05:48

Anarchy Will Reign

by Jaya Locke

The group meets Genevra who is the Rival of Mr. Dandy. She is the sponsor of the fighter going up against Drekiksyn.
The Florist is 1 of the owners of the Garden Club. He says the other owner is a Silent partner and it is not the florist’s place to say who it is.
There are a few fights before Drekiksyn’s. When his fight is announced to start, it appears that he is up against a fighter who was retired for a while, a man named Alenski.
Brin noticed Alenski had an old injury in his shoulder which helped him in his match.
The match was who could push the other out of the ring.
Drekiksyn won.
The group speaks a lot with 2 masked individuals. 1 man with a guitar and 1 woman. The woman seems rather interested in the group and asks how they feel about the state of Sloegarde.
When she is asked how she herself feels, she says she is concerned about the aggressive acts happening and the stories of the queen acting strangely. She also mentions a hysteria root problem that is of concern.
After the fight, Jaya spouted a bunch of nonsense about being able to defeat the best fighter there. Everyone acted like she was insane. She threw out some facts that were heavily exaggerated. She claimed Mr. Dandy as her sponsor (even though it was definitely not agreed upon beforehand. Poor Mr. Dandy)
A man named Jack Hearts came out and said he accepts her challenge, that it could be interesting.
Everyone warns Jaya that Jack Hearts is no slouch and will probably destroy her.
Jack Hearts is the one who injured Alenski and put him into retirement.
The fight was an interesting performance, mostly the 2 fighters making it look interesting for the audience while chatting.
Jack Hearts recognized Jaya’s abilities and wanted to know her story. She told him about Kragen.
He used some abilities that weren’t normal either, when Jaya asked about his story, he said it was best suited for a less bloody atmosphere, but she might learn it if she stays in Sloegarde long enough.
Jack Hearts throws the fight at the end telling Jaya to “make this one convincing”. He pretends to go down, and is very convincing at it.
The fight earned enough to get the brothers out of debt and even made Drekiksyn some money.
Silas overhears a conversation between a woman (the group later finds out is Mrs. Mary Troilo) and a waitress. They are discussing a delivery that is to be made from “the Farm” and is to go through the church in 2 days time. The server tells Mrs Trolio that her husband appreciates the gunpowder. They say “Anarchy will reign”
Silas’s ex-wife, Tamara, shows up masked and is called Vilomah by the people who seem to recognize her. She approaches Silas after the group leaves the club. She explains that the party is being watched and to not trust Jack Hearts or the Troilo family.
Harlequin Rose is separated into 2 factions.
The newest member of the Harlequin Rose is Jack Hearts.
Tamara says if she is needed, she can be found at the cemetery.
The group returns to La Machera. Jaya is sore and bruised pretty good, but she gets some ice and a strong drink and celebrates with the brothers.
Pia is not there, and Ilia has gone to bed. Tonight there is a new face she hasn't seen before. A more classic barkeeper. A large older man with greyish hair who looks like he has some stories from his youth.