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Tue 14th Feb 2023 05:49

Desecrated Land, Wretches and Zombies

by Jaya Locke

Upon entering the cemetery, the group has a bad feeling.
Most recent tombstone date 50 years ago
Finally understanding the feeling they felt, Jaya and Silas realize that the land was desecrated. It was once a holy place, but has been perverted/distorted.
They find 5 wretches dragging humans through the cemetery.
A weirdly semi-intelligent wretch shows up
Could speak Feratu and Stellan.
Was stronger than a normal wretch.
Said the group couldn’t stop his master’s work.
As soon as the wretches were all dealt with, the ground started rumbling and the fog got thicker and zombies came rushing at the party. (yes, rushing. They were fast)
There was a mausoleum that the group took shelter in.
Inside there was a man sitting in the middle of a pentagram drawn in blood. It was glowing slightly.
The man also said the group couldn’t stop his master’s work.