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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:05

Love is what keeps back the darkness

by Jaya Locke

Powder, Liquid (water consistency), Liquid (gravy consistency)
Silas believes he can make a counter agent, the only thing he is missing is the ability to remove the cursed property.
He thinks that there is some way to remove it with holy means.
Julio’s journal:
His name is actually Samuel/Sam.
He was just a worker/day laborer in Sloegarde, was approached to make more money and thought it was a good way to raise his station. Being mute, it was hard to procure good paying jobs.
Him and the people at the Farm were around a circle, it made him nervous, but went with it. (he’s a bit naive). Everyone was supposed to recite a phrase, but he couldn’t because he is mute. He is unaware of anything else going on.
Items found in an office:
Kris Knife (Quick Bleed)
Journal with contact names that have been doing deliveries
Kept track of who had what and when it was delivered.
Next to each name is a bloody thumb print
Small set of scissors
Wicker Doll (Legitimate woven wicker humanoid shape doll)
Storm outside gets bad so the group goes in search of shelter.
They find a home and are greeted by an old lady that says she had many visitors today. Her name is Debbie. Her husband is the village priest, Father Henry, and he has not been able to make it back because of the storm.
Ace is there. Another man named Domino who flourishes his pistols as he introduces himself, and the other man presents a rose as friendly affection and introduces himself as Andres Mendez
Large home, but modest. Family home, but not of status.
Andres Mendez is there because of Daemons. He believes there are daemons in town.
Debbie says there are strange things she has noticed, personality changes and the like. Sometimes their eyes change, attitudes change, etc. Things moving in the shadows at night.
He says he does not have evidence of daemons, but he says he knows they are there because “he just knows”.
He came specifically for this reason. He sensed a gathering evil. The Mendez family can sense the presence of daemons even from great distances, but it is more a general area. Cannot pinpoint a specific proximity or numbers, just knows they are in the area. He suspects there are many or 1 powerful one.
Priestess Minami: Came from a long line of priestesses. There was once an old tale from her family. The Tale of Two Lovers.
Priestess Minami is a special lover to Mendez, but his work and travels keep them apart.
Mendez lost his wife 20 years ago.
Jaya tells them their tale of Mr. Hat, the vision, and the Harlequin Rose.
When told about the wicker creatures, Mendez asks about a large hunched creature wearing a drapey shawl and a masked face, long spindly fingers and a sense of horror about them. The Wicker Hag.
If you met them, you would know it.
Witches draw their power from hags and crones
Daemons are straight forward, they are matters of heaven and hell. You can expect daemons to be hellish, they are natural to hell. Hags are natural to this world, but wrong.
Hags will always be evil. The opposite is a Crone. They are primal force
Miss Debbie offered everyone hot chocolate (and a little alcohol to add to it if desired). Everyone accepted, but Jaya refused stating she’s not a big fan of chocolate.
Everyone gets settled in for the night. Miss Debbie offers Silas a room near hers.
In the middle of the night, he hears her calling for help. He goes to check on her but she seems fine. When he leaves her room, he waits to ensure she is okay.
The lights start going out in the hallway and he hears a skittering sound.
From the darkness, creatures appear that are humanoid-ish but crawling on the walls and ceiling (there are 2) and then he hears Miss Debbie behind him and her appearance has changed to a more monstrous one.
Silas calls out and Jaya wakes up. She tries to wake up the others, but they don’t wake up. She looks at the hot chocolate and surmises that they were drugged. She uses Smelling Salts to wake up Domino and tells him about the hot chocolate and the trouble, he helps wake up the rest of the people.
Silas looks around and the creatures and Debbie are gone. She runs into the room where Mendez, Domino, Ace, Jaya, Garruk and Brin had stayed in and they discuss what to do.
Silas hears “Come on out dearie! Play with me!” In Miss Debbie’s voice then in a deeper scarier voice he hears “Get out here now!” Then a thump on the ground and the sound of something being dragged. The group decides to go out together and check the room where the 3 men from the woods and Sam are staying.