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Fri 24th Mar 2023 01:58

The Sound of Silas

by Jaya Locke

Things bought at the general store:
Special rope (with a cable woven in it)
3 hooded lanterns
3 Climber's Kit
5 carabiners
Grappling Hook
Grapple claws
Sketch Book
2 sets of vials
2 vials of lantern oil
Ardito’s song about Silas: The Sound of Silas
Nickname for Talbot: Momentamorii
There is a piano in Talbot’s that is special. If you lose a companion during a mission, you can carve their name into the piano. It is a secret special Dark Hunter ritual.
Dimitri the Dark Hunter (the one Jaya hits on): May meet up with Jaya later for some night time fun at the Inn.
Isamu notices that there might be little tunnels under the floorboards of Talbot’s.
Preparing for the Interception Mission:
Silas and Brin in the church (distraction?)
Jaya and Garruk on the roof (commandeer the transportation of the delivery people and apprehend a delivery person)
Pia will be set up in case there is an additional delivery person that needs to be pursued.
Things we want to find out:
Location of the Farm
Who is involved?
Information on Jack’s power and the power of the underlings.
Try to grab who you can for interrogation.