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Thu 19th Jan 2023 09:42

Batman Smells

by Jaya Locke

Little creature: Creehoul
Ritual to unlink the creature from a person. Takes an eyeball, bones, and blood. Make a cage of bones, smash an eyeball on the creature and use blood to draw a pentagram on the forehead of the skull used for the cage and recite an incantation.
When linked to someone, it makes the person take damage that it takes.
Jaya remembers that Kragen used these or at least similar creatures to torture people.
It only takes the creature and a person to lock eyes to be linked.
This creature: Only the person who is linked can harm it. There are variants though where if the person who is linked harms it it will harm it back or all damage it inflicts will be inflicted upon the linked.
The hag said that she was locked in the mine for a long time by humans. She only had the Creehoul which she called Chitters for company Found the witch’s book and a bag of herbs. The book had a spell for curing the rot and a spell called rot flies. It also had information on the Creehoul.
Items found in the water:
Ore: A bar with a bit of a hum to it. Lime greenish glow. (Enough for a weapon, armor or shield)
Obsidian: 2 bars worth
Gold: worth 42 gp
3 diamond
Desk Clock w/ wind mechanism (Pretty nice, does work)
Magnifying Glass (Pretty nice)
Letter opener w/ family crest made out of silver
Wax Stamp w/ same family crest on the letter opener (Bird holding a quill)
25 Silver
The group moves onward and searches for Batman.
Jaya and Garruk argue about whether it is called a Batman or Manbat.
He smells so Garruk’s survival was extra good.
They found the cave at around 4 pm.
There were 2 dead bodies. One of the bodies looked like the mercenary seen in Jin’s Seance.