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Fri 24th Mar 2023 01:56

The Loss of a Friend

by Jaya Locke

Begin writing your story here...Inside the coroner's notes:
Notes about a malady that made their blood black, Stretched fingers and such. There was no name for it, so he called it “the black malady”
King Arthur Pentallon
Also known as “The Mad King”
He wielded the blade Excalibur. He was a good king for a long time. He led a journey past the Woods of Night. When he came back from the woods of night, he came back insane. He was eventually killed by one of his personal guards.
A necromancer, Elianzo, comes out of the shadows and says that Arthur was a great king and will be again soon someday.
He says King Arthur was a good king before and after the woods. Doing what he needed to fight back evil.
The rule of the vampires will end one day one way or another.
The rule of the vampires shall come to an end and the rule of the undead shall reign.
He is able to take a zombie and separate the skin and bones to make a skeleton undead creature and a boneless undead creature. Pushing the boneless onto the skeleton turns it back into a regular zombie.
After killing the necromancer, the zombies were still coming. The statue of Arthur Pentallon was glowing black and radiating spiritual energy. Jin was able to shut it down, but at the expense of his own life. Once the statue was back to normal and Jin was gone, the zombies were gone.
Her and Ardito are part of the Harlequin Rose. (Balad and Highwire)
They are part of the Tricksters
They no longer have the ability to fight back the Anarchists. There has been a secret war between the two factions. Lately they have been pushing back in a way they are unable to handle.
Many of them seem to have an unnaturalness to them. Not to the level of Jack Hearts, but similar.
They have only ever wanted the betterment of Sloegarde and fairness for everyone. It was their goal to even things out between the nobles and the common folk.
Jack Hearts came out of nowhere, no one has ever seen his face. He became advisor to the queen and leader of the Harlequin Rose.
They did not wish to reach out to Joan’Stella because they were worried the order would just execute the queen, maybe not right away but it could be an eventual conclusion.
They tried to speak with the Queen about Jack Hearts, but she became upset and ended up killing the person who went to speak with her.
They cannot see any end goal for the Anarchists aside from destabilization.
At this point the Tricksters only make up 30% of the Harlequin Rose.
Most of the “old blood” in Sloegarde are influenced by the Anarchists.
She knows about the delivery going through the church. She said it would be good to set it up where the group is able to follow the delivery and figure out where it is going and to who. From there, we can make a move.