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Thu 29th Dec 2022 06:12

Dr. Prettleborn and Mr. Hat

by Jaya Locke

Mr Hat attacks. He is trying to get his book back.
When the party kills him, he burns away and the doctor is revealed. The doctor slumps against the wall, seated on the ground. His eyes open and he looks around. He starts to speak but then the voice of Mr Hat says, “ENJOY!” as the talons of Mr Hat start to go towards the doctor’s chest, but Silas stops the talons. The doctor is still seriously injured, but not dead.
Jaya and Silas were able to classify Mr Hat as a daemon.
Mr Hat and the Doctor were working together for a year.
The doctor was sick, doomed to die until the daemon came and said he could live if he agreed to its terms. He wouldn’t even have to know much about what it does.
Sometimes the doctor would see through the eyes of another (another host?) that was young, or small. There was a desk and a bed with only a candle to light the area. The area was earthy. He remembers the sound of dripping water and an echo.
Need to destroy the book while it is changed and Mr Hat at the same time.
With the information from the doctor and the investigating that Garruk did the other day, Jaya suggested that there could be a cave the bats were living in that the children could be kept in.
After some preparations, The group makes their way to the cave in question. There are bridges and rope ladders that need to be crossed. There are 2 cave entrances. Vinny and Jaya hear the sounds of children whimpering down one of them, so they follow it. Inside, there is a pentagram of blood with candles, cages with children inside and a Mr. Hat that is smaller than the one before.