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Tue 20th Dec 2022 03:56

A Wretched Night

by Jaya Locke

The group starts off on their travel.
Garrik hunts and gets enough food for today and tomorrow.
He also finds a path that leads to a cottage.
There is a humanoid that is dragging something wrapped in a tarp towards the cottage. The tarp wrapped something does leave a blood trail.
The party checks out around the house, it ends up being the owner of the house named Remus and he was just dragging in a deer he hunted.
Remus is a former Dark Hunter. He used to live in Hemsfirth, but bought the cabin to be alone.
Vinny snooped around in his room and found a journal about Remus’s travels. It shows that Remus was a Dark Hunter, used to travel with someone, was with that person, that person died, then he became a hermit.
He has lived in this cottage for 20 years and has never had a problem with Lupidregs or Wretches.
He had a journal of monsters he encountered. It had details of a Mananggal.
Mananggals are similar to vampires, but they drain their victims from the inside out with their tongue.
They separate from their lower halves at night to hunt for prey (humans)
They do fly and are fast.
They can do fly by attacks.
It is suggested that you use nets, projectiles, and arrows to catch and attack.
Remus believes that they are not originally humans, but actually a monstrous race that evolved to better hunt for their prey.
Remus gives Garrik a Dark Hunter’s journal.
He says every Dark Hunter worth their salt writes their adventures down in a journal.
Vincenzo sees a pale face staring at him from outside. Silas confirms it, so they wake the rest of the party.
They are wretches. The party kills enough of them for some of them to run.