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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:07

Up and Coming

by Jaya Locke

Ace is part of a Dark Hunter group called the Game Set (Ace and Domino are both part of it)
The person that is possessed acts as a doorway to Hell.
As long as the person is possessed, there will be minor daemons that come through.
The bigger the door, the better the thing that can come through
It seems like this is an Intelligent daemon
Silas does an exorcism
The lady retches back and screeches, her voice coming out as 2 voices and a black cloud comes out of her mouth and goes toward the ceiling leaving a black spot there.
Mendez has never seen an exorcism be performed before.
Mendez suggests the party go ahead to the town and Mendez and Company stay with Debbie to not arouse as much suspicion.
The Town:
Mayor Churchill of an unnamed village. They are calling it the “up and coming” until they name it.
Their rustic lifestyle did not meet the standards of Sloegard, so they are waiting for the letter from Joan’Stella approving their township.
Mayor Churchill gave the party a tour of the village/town
They don’t plan to grow it beyond a town. They want to maintain the integrity of the country vibe, but would like to open up other towns in Fidem so that people can get more country living between the big cities.
They have their own gunpowder stash
Tilly and her father, Travis. - owners
Tilly and Travis told the party that the Priest had an accident the night before. They had to bring him to the doctor’s office.
Travis traveled with the merchants guild to Sloegarde then found this village and decided to stay. (originally from Joan’Stella. Left when Tilly’s mother was pregnant with her)
Say they don’t want for nothing and they don’t starve, they don’t need anything more than that.
Sheriff’s former deputy left, the townsfolk are not sure why.
Luke: Owns the weapons shop
Has a really nice collection of guns that he made.
Priest was found in the morning drenched and bloodied. Looked like he fell out a window?
The priest says he was attacked by 3 thieves in the night. They were hooded, but it was too dark to see any other details. They did not have an accent, so they weren’t locals
It happened when he was packing up everything from the church.
There have been accidents happening to different members of the congregation. Either farming accidents or uncharacteristic falling.
Most long term residents are in favor of the expansion because it means a more comfortable life for them.
The banker is a newer resident who also seems to be in favor of the expansion.
The banker’s arrival coincides with the strange occurrences that started happening.
He has not missed a single night since he started services and says he will not start today.
He has noticed a few diminished numbers in attendees, but he says it is not unusual, especially with the weather.
The Sheriff: Pavel
Also called Ironsight
Quick on the draw, short on the forgiveness