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Tue 27th Dec 2022 04:04

RP Chat Investigations

by Jaya Locke

Jaya speaks to Wilkard and his wife is Usimi, parents to one of the missing children
"It was a normal night like any other. We said our goodnights and tucked him into bed. He has his own room and we made sure the window was locked tight."
no sign of forced entry of struggle within his room. It's like he just vanished.
Wilkard believes that Rikkon is to blame for the children disappearing. He has no proof, Just the circumstantial fact that he showed up right as the first child disappeared.
They do not know where the children learned the rhyme the group heard earlier.
Jaya roams the rooftops at night looking for strange things.
She sees some teenagers hanging out behind an under construction building near the edge of town
She notices a late night guest of the inn connected to Swillshot's enter from outside of town. He is wearing a long coat with the hood up. He is inside before she has a chance to see much else of him.
Jaya goes into the Swillshot and the man working the counter (early 20’s, his name is Davvy) is asleep. She lays on the charm and asks him some questions.
Rikkon is staying at the Swillshot. “I see him come in and out every now and then.” It was most likely him in the coat. He is staying in Room 8.
“Haven't seen any foul creatures in Hemsfirth since before the expansion and I was just a kid back then."
Linsey is friends with the owner of the Swillshot. She helped him get it up and running and sometimes has breakfast with him.
Vinny wanders the streets at night singing the little children’s rhyme and someone comes out of a dark alley and says, “Quiet! Don't sing that! Or HE will come! He will come I tell ya!" shifting out from the alley is a ragged looking man who can barely walk straight, he quickly stumbles towards Vinny, he can smell the booze on him long before the man ever reaches him. "Shhhshhshhh!!! Must be qweuiett!!"
Silas meets Captain Gremis
Garruk searches the nearby woods for tracks. He does find some, several different kinds. Some he notes each type: Civilians (as on not armored or signs of formation), Guards, Wildlife (Deer and perhaps some kind of fox or dog) Other than these tracks, he does not find anything else of promise. So he takes the opportunity just to simply familiarize himself with the area. He notes a few landmarks of note: Stream (he doesn't actually see it, but finds signs that would lead him to believe one is in further away and know it's direction, East) Path (it leads Northeast, it looks like a not often traveled or very low traffic beaten path) He sees a flock of bats presumably returning to their cave as the day fully breaks (West)