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Thu 26th Jan 2023 04:56

Message from beyond the grave

by Jaya Locke

Pia knew Queen Victoria before the Crown’s Contest. They were both friends with Queen Ludocelia. She says that Victoria was always more serious and lacking in humor.
Pia’s brother owns a boutique, Maurizio’s Mysterios, that sells some lovely masks and overheard some customers talking about how these masked individuals had come back from Joan’Stella after pulling a prank and they had accidentally injured someone who didn’t make it.
Maurizio’s Mysterios:
When shown the symbol that was left at the defaced statue, he does recognize the emblem. He says he made the pants that a group had put them on. The emblem itself was made by the blacksmith, Remy.
He said that many of the people who get those symbols put on their clothes and buy the jester masks are described as wearing fancy clothes, have handsome faces, dark hair, average height. Some slender, some well built. Well developed legs.
It is a great crime to make a forgery of a maker's mark.
His symbol is an MM stacked on top of each other inside of a diamond.
The people he overheard speaking about the person getting injured were bankers. Bankers are often very concerned with crimes against travelers as they are often targeted by bandits on the road due to their occupation.
He requests the party deliver a hat to Mr. Troilo for Mrs. Troilo
Ildefonso Troilo:
When perusing the bookshelf in the entryway, Jaya sees business and philosophy books, a couple different Books of Joan, and a book of Sermon Suggestions
The mansion and belongings scream Old Money vibes.
The Troilo family was one of the original founders of Sloegarde. They found the gunpowder mine that helped Sloegarde gain wealth and power. Each head of the household must spend time working in the mine. Ildefonso himself worked 10 years in the mine and forged many firearms that he has hanging in his home.
When Ildefonso Troilo was checking the hat, Jaya noticed the jester symbol on the back of it.
The lady of the house: Fair skin, long blonde hair, green eyes, purple and gold colors, Mary Troilo. Favorite place to go is the Water Garden. (Jaya payed the house guards 10 gp to get this information)
Name: Remy
She says there have been a lot of requests for the jester symbol being made. They have been requested recently to be put on the inside of a coat, the back of a hat, etc.
She is not a fan of making the symbols because it’s boring and easy.
Azurite: green material that Jaya brought in. It is a mineral that grows around a meteorite impact site.
Jaya came up with the excuse of getting a Dark Hunter symbol made for Garruk for the sleeve of his jacket.
Vanessa came into the tavern:
She was ordering some hard liquor.
She is not the happy personable person that she used to be described as.
Jin provided her with the scroll that Master Setsu had given him to deliver to her.
She says that the place in JinJaru from the vision looks like it could be Mt. Sutōmupīku, but it could be any of the mountainous regions. It isn’t a temple she recognizes, but if it is a mission to find something lost, then most likely it is not a temple that is known.
Master Setsu does not believe his death was an accident. He said the spirit should not have broken free. He says he thinks that he saw that Kazuma (the now leader of the temple) was behind it. Perhaps a power grab. Kazuma was always angry about Setsu’s choice to join the order without passing on leadership of the temple. He requests that justice be served.
Both Jin and Vanessa are angered by the news of Kazuma.
Vanessa found out that the Jester/Clown people call themselves The Harlequin Rose
Newer group (past couple months) but well organized. Perhaps there was an old original name and they came from somewhere else?
Acts of vandalism/humiliated nobles. Most recent reports of it escalated to random violence where the person did not survive.
Originally thought it was a small group, now it looks like there might be a small army of them.
Feels like something is building up towards something.
Hysteria Root: A drug that is supposed to be used for pain, mental and physical or to help those passing on not care as much. A controversial medicine but it does the trick and enough people benefit from it for it to still be legal. Used in the wrong way or combined with the wrong herbs can turn it into a highly addictive drug that poisons the mind