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Fri 24th Mar 2023 02:08

Beware the Bonefairy

by Jaya Locke

RP Chat over the weekend:
Sheriff Pavel:
Some strange occurrences here and there. Most take it for coincidence or just a random happening.
"My deputy? Yea, he left several years back. A good man and honestly I saw it coming. He was too good for this little place. He needed to be part of the bigger world, said he wanted to help on a larger scale. I wish him all the success. It was a shame though and it left me without support, I would be lying if I said it has been easy to cope with his absence. I am not what I used to be and I spent a lot of years training him. The selfish part of me feels like it was a waste, but the God loving man in me says he is likely doing good work elsewhere. Either way though, it has left me in a bit of a predicament.”
Said him and his gang never did anything to the Priest.
When he tried to steal from a person, the person showed more strength than they should have had and growled at them in a way that didn’t fit their appearance.
When Garruk looked around town, he found a strange lack of thieve’s cant.
Luke the weapons shop owner:
Said that up until last year when the priest did a “cleansing ritual”, the town would have lesser dark beings attack (lupidregs, wretches, screechers, etc) but ever since, they have not had any problems.
Silas feels targeted ever since town
Children trying to snatch his book
Unfriendly look from others
Priest’s living quarters:
Seems unused
The church:
It doesn’t seem like the attack on the priest was done with the intent on stealing from the church.
Freshly dug grave outside
Headstone looks like it is getting ready to be chiseled.
There are bells at each gravesite.
Mayor’s name (the 1st)
Children outside:
Said there is a monster below the town in the mines
Parents don’t believe them when they talk about the monster.
The monster comes out at night when they are supposed to be in bed.
After the sermon:
The priest talks to the group and seems to be testing the waters to see if the group would join the forces of darkness.
He ends up scratching the symbol of abandon into his forehead.
He says “I see now what he said is true”
“He has sent me the one that dwells within”
“In order to save my flock, we may be damned, but we will not suffer”
He doesn’t speak to Abbadon, Abbadon speaks to him.
The bells in the cemetery start ringing and 2 daemonically possessed people come through the broken window. The 4 people still in the church are possessed and the priest orders them to attack the group.
Holy Water deals extra damage.
Jaya cut off the ear of the priest.
Silas is down, but pushed over the vat of holy water onto a possessed that Jaya had thrown into a wall and he reverted back to his normal self.
Once a possessed has been dealt enough damage to them, they revert back.