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Thu 12th Jan 2023 10:19

He's Not Dead

by Jaya Locke

Jin bonds a bit with the 2 Dark Sanctuary members that are from JinJaru (Feng-Hu and Dai Yu). They do morning prayers together and drink tea.
Dai Yu explained to Jin the Dark 10 and mentioned the vampire that had Jaya was Kragen (one of the dark 10)
Feng-Hu spoke about how spirits are different here from the ones in JinJaru.
Jin says his abilities are more like being a bridge between the living and the spirits. Sometimes being able to call upon them for help.
If you find yourself afflicted in the woods by a ghost, you can say they have hit and run tactics. If you call upon them through your seance, even if they do not heed your call, it makes them easier to find and pin down so that they can be vanquished.
Increase in wraiths and banshees due to the increase in deaths across the land.
The group leaves Joan’Stella towards Sloegarde.
It will take 44.5 days to get to Sloegarde from Joan’Stella
Came upon a traveling merchant named Janice who sells wyrd glass.
Wyrd Glass: A volatile substance. One that goes boom (10 ft radius DEX save DC 13. 4d8 dmg), one that puts something to sleep (sleep spell) Throw range 30 ft.
She also sold Garruk some poison on the DL
There were some interesting individuals that she passed about a week back.They were dressed like jesters without face paint or masks.
She did talk to them a bit. They seemed a little less than savory. They asked if she had any alcohol rub because their fingers had some paint on them.
Name: Chester. 5’6” medium build dark hair. Just a bit older than the party (Mid 20’s)
There were 3 of them.
They seemed to have gold to spend.
They bought a forgery kit.
She gave Jaya some weed
Jaya gave her some silver for the information about the Jesters. Jaya gave her some extra silver and Janice said she would make a note in the guild that Jaya is not a narc.
Jaya sees wolf tracks and hears howling.
Jin does a seance
The spirit of a man appears.
Jin learns that he must ask a question for them to remember something and give relevant information.
Spirit’s name was Aiden, a mercenary that was escorting Janice the merchant. He was hired out of Sloegarde to escort Janice to Joan’Stella.
Aiden was getting ready to relieve his brother for the night watch and they heard large beating wings and a screech. They went in search of the area around with their weapons drawn. They saw a shadow fly by really quickly. Aiden heard his brother scream and looked around and saw his brother being dragged away into the sky then dropped. The creature flew into the trees and then Aiden panicked and tripped over some logs and never saw it coming. All he remembers is talons and pain. Thinks it bit him, but also thinks it latched its claws onto him first.
As he answers the questions, incorporeal blood trickles down his neck and slash marks appear on his torso.
He swears the creature was about the size of a man.
He says he saw a silhouette and it looked like it had wings, head, tail, and legs. He said it looked like a giant man bat.
It was carrying him and his brother North. It seemed like it was getting ready to land, so not too much farther off the road, but he doesn’t remember seeing the merchant road from his vantage point. Perhaps a mile or two off and 60 ft above the treeline.
He requests that if we find the body of him and his brother to bury them.
He did have a small bag of money and a longsword made by a master smith.
The group comes upon a cart in the road with a man laying down on the ground unmoving. Jaya can sense he is alive and starts nudging him with her foot (kicking him). SIlas comes up and checks on him to find he is totally fine. Then other bandits show up and say the group must pay 10 gp to get around them or they will attack. Garruk noticed that the arrows seemed covered in poison.
Jaya used Bleeding senses to blind one of the archers, Silas attacked the man in front of him with his dagger then the arrows flew. Luckily only 1 hit Garruk and the poison did not take hold.