Azimuth 2 - Session 27 - River and Sky

General Summary

New Keeleon

Far Bar Inn
Back at the Far Bar Inn, Mortimr and Arwin rented additional rooms, for a total of three for the group.   Romsca went to a room along with Gertrude. She began a ritual with the lead she purchased and created a new box to hold the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. It was cylindrical with straps that allowed the crate to be held over the shoulders. Romsca set the ring into the new box and locked it.   Romsca scavenged the lead lining from the old box. After that was done, Romulus took the old crate and transformed into a water snake. Arwin picked him up, and together they went to the Rexun River. Romulus swam out, transformed back, and dropped the old box to the bottom of the river. Taking care to watch their surroundings, the pair returned to the Far Bar Inn.   Demitri spent time in the Santeem-themed side of the inn. He purchased bottles of fine wine and tried to gather information from the merchants drinking at the bar. With Mortimr’s assistance, he heard rumors about the strained relationship between the city’s merchants and the Commandment of Sky Guildhall over the last eight months. He also heard the leader of the guildhall hadn’t been seen for some time.  
In the Rooms
The full group gathered in the rooms where Romsca showed off the new box for the Residuum Ring. She gave the only key to Demitri to hold onto. Mortimr tested how secure the box was by casting an illusion spell near it, and the ring inside it did not react to his magic.   When Demitri shared the merchant fees had been increasing over the last eight months, Gertrude said that was the same timeframe that Chedae’s light had first started to fade.   Romsca suggested going on the offensive. Mortimr asked if she wanted to set fire to the Traders guildhall, saying he’d be willing to do so. Romsca explained since the Traders had such a strong hold on the economy, they likely had an interest with the various coinguards of Tarteria. They had seen this with Gim Gorod, but she questioned if this was why Coinguard Holarust had gone missing.   She also wondered if Lord Lortuk was an ally of the Traders and if the tensions they felt in Breakwater Keep were related. Romsca suggested they find the missing coinguard and assist Ranger General Labb with the ankhegs, allowing both to take their seats with the Nalt Oknar to prevent Lord Lortuk from whatever scheme he was up to.   Arwin said they didn’t have any leads currently and asked if they wanted to get a target on their back by digging around. Demitri said their ultimate goal was Sir Talmid and the Commandment of Sky. He agreed that rescuing the coinguard would be beneficial.   Demitri planned to speak with the Nalt Oknar in the morning about the coinguard, and Romsca said she’d come with and could leverage her connection with Porgorag’s new coinguard. Mortimr said that finding Talmid was his priority. Arwin wanted to scout the Commandment of Sky Guildhall as well.   With their tasks on the morrow set before them, the group set themselves to bed for the evening.  
In the Morning
In the morning of 13 Adroth, Romsca awoke early and crafted two gifts. When the rest of the party awoke, she gave Demitri a newly crafted set of studded leather armor and gave Romulus a platinum ring with the design of a vulture on it.   Before they left, Captain Ruslan called out to them from the Santeem-themed room. He again thanked the group for their efforts. Romsca said she was grateful for his part, as well.   Ruslan apologized that Romsca wasn’t involved with the turning in of the wagons. He said because of a “Santeemite habit” he had kept Romsca’s name off the caravan charter paperwork. In the event anything had gone wrong, he wanted to limit who could be implicated.   Demitri asked to see Ruslan’s notebook, and he crossed out his name from it. Romsca asked him what name Demitri preferred to go by, Demitri or Kugo. Demitri said, “I think either would be fine.”   Ruslan offered to buy them lunch as thanks. They planned to regroup at the Far Bar Inn for the meal later in the day.   Gertrude and Ilmendwyth stayed behind with the ring and the new box. The rest headed out; Demitri and Romsca headed to Breakwater Keep, and Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and a disguised Mortimr headed towards the Catlinites.  
Commandment of Sky Guildhall
Using a smaller gateway adjacent to the area, Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and Mortimr entered the Catlinites. They passed by the Kiloskitot Trade School and reached the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. In addition to the primary building, a number of smaller facility and storage buildings filled the area around it.   They entered the central lobby of the guildhall, where a number of attendants were speaking with merchants and civilians.   Arwin spoke with an attendant. He feigned a trade proposal from the Brancana Rangers and asked to speak with Talmid about the details. The attendant attempted to direct him to other lower-ranked members of the guild, saying Talmid’s role was more focused on connections with the city’s government. When pressed, she offered to take Arwin’s proposal forward.   Mortimr disguised himself in the guild’s uniform and told the attendant he had an important document to give to Talmid directly. He asked where Talmid or his office was, but the attendant directed him to the guild’s communication office as Talmid was not in the building at the time.   Chaka asked about art pieces around the facility. Though the attendant didn’t understand much about art, they offered a quick, general tour around the public areas. When they reached Talmid’s office, they were not allowed inside, but Chaka noticed a section of wall with nothing on it. When he asked about it, the attendant said a new art piece had been commissioned from a local artist and would be placed there after the upcoming Watermill Gallery showing.  
Breakwater Keep
Meanwhile, Demitri and Romsca entered the Breakwater Keep. A guard escorted them in where they were announced to Nalt Oknar Rulla and Watchguard Stuzrog.   Romsca said she had a relationship with Porgorag's new coinguard, Borscha Brickwell. She wanted to establish a connection on her behalf. Rulla said as Coinguard Holarust was missing, relations would be hard to initiate.   Rosmca offered their group’s aid to search for Holarust. When Romsca offered to do so for free, Stuzrog reacted with mild suspicion. As Romsca and Demitri continued to talk, Stuzrog scowled more and more. They asked after information about Holarust. Rulla said she had gone missing on 10 Adroth. Stuzrog said she was speaking with merchants in Victory Market the day she went missing.   Romsca expressed concerns about New Keeleon. She worried there may be a similar issue to what they’d seen with Gim Gorod in Porgorag. Rulla said, “You’re saying that my city may have an issue with outside interests playing a part?” She glanced towards Lord Lortuk's empty seat. Romsca said she couldn’t confirm anything.   It was then that Romsca chose to tell Rulla and Stuzrog many things: their dealings with Gim Gorod and the letters they took, the efforts to take the aid caravan, the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring and its effects, and the names Azariel, Nabat, and Maalik. She also made mention of the similar timeline between the diminishing light and the increase in the Tarterian Trader's fees.   Romsca said, “It just feels like too much connects for it to be all coincidence.”   Demitri added, “Obviously, this has become an increasingly precarious and difficult situation, and by bringing this information to you, I hope you realize that we are swinging big, so to speak.” Demitri also said he noticed the tension caused by Lord Lortuk’s presence.   Rulla said these concerns were serious. She agreed that some of these things, like smuggling and bribing of city officials, were crimes. For the more serious charges of murder and conspiracy, she asked what proof they had for their claims against the Tarterian Traders.   Romsca said, “Even if you cannot do anything in an official capacity, you must see the suspicious links.”
Related Time
12 Adroth 5A 352 to 13 Adroth 5A 352