BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


After the war between Ederaa and Cirabaen ended, the majority of the bodies were left in the Vale of Eternal Strife to rot in the sun. Many feared attacks by the other race too much. People were exhausted from all the fighting. The Hlífjall Dwarves knew that Spirits now layed to proper rest could bring a lot of problems and started building the great crypt of Valrheim, a restingplace for the fallen. The above ground part of the building is split into two, and even though combined by a shared corridor to the entrace, each race has its own wing. While being located directly on the border or the two kingdoms an unspoken non attack pact was made so that families can come to wheep. Each half is decorated in a way fitting to the originating kingdom and maintained by their own races in a quiet thanks to the original builders.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Map of the world


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