About LotD in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

About LotD

Legends of the Dragonguard is a fantasy novel series, set in the setting of solarpunk and dragons. This website serves as a wikipedia for the world, as well as hosting the manuscripts themselves. Legends of the Dragonguard is written by Nulcheck.   To learn more about the LotD world and its setting, check out the LotD Guide.  

About the Author

While Nulcheck's expertise is electroinc music production, he enjoys worldbuilding as well. He and his friends at one point had ideas to make video games, but it however never panned out, for various reasons. He like the solarpunk and steampunk styles, and of course pretty much anything with dragons in it. His favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon, which inspired him to create this world.

I'm not a writer, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I had an idea for a thing, and here it is. My expertise is electronic music production, I just also like to worldbuild sometimes.
— Nulcheck

Sage Nulcheck

~ Nulcheck | Rayhaven Dragonguard


Genres & Themes

Epic Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Solarpunk (Low- to mid-tech)
Dragon Fantasy

History & Milestones


June 28th, 2024 — First 10 followers
March 30th, 2024 — 10k words in Articles
  • April 19th — The official name is set to "Legends of the Dragonguard".
  • April 5th — Manuscript for Book 1 is created.
  • March 25th — "Dragon Defenders" is created.

  • Comments

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jun 27, 2024 19:35 by Annie Stein

    It's really impressive how much you've got for dragonguard already! I would've thought you'd been working on this world for years. Looking forward to digging in deeper ^^

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Jun 27, 2024 20:10

    Thank you! I'm hoping to add a lot more to this with the Summer Camp event

    ~ Nulcheck | Rayhaven Dragonguard
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