Quick Notes: Ancient Dragonkin in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Quick Notes: Ancient Dragonkin

There may be potential story spoilers in this article!
This is essentially a public notebook. I would have liked to make my World Anvil notebook public, but I don't think you can, so we have this.

Ancients have a talk with Wyrm of Chaos

Anaq did something, or had plans or whatever idk yet. Whatever it is, it's probably the reason why the Drake of the West was freaking out.     "Anaq you need to stop." - Airigold   "Hey, you have no place being in my dwelling" - Anaq   "Oh please, this is your prison, Anaq." - Airigold   - some stuff in between? -   "Im much larger than you. I should just snap you two in half." - Anaq   "Perhaps, but there is one that still dwarfs your size" - Drake   "Pffha, the sea serpent? And how would she get into this cave? Not to mention the freezing temperature outside." - Anaq  
I thought of this random dialouge back and forth when I was trying to fall asleep. It came right after thinking about why the Drake of the West freak out (the idea below this one). However, this implies the Wyrm of Chaos is imprisoned here. Why would it be an imprisonment if he is guarding the Amberstone (as seen in the "Delving into the Frostcrest Caverns" prose)?   I don't really know the relation between some of these points, maybe that prose will have to completely change now with these new ideas. It was canon though...
— 05/31/2024

Wyrm of Chaos and Drake of the West

Anaq is imprisoned at Frostcrest for his crimes.   Wyrm of Chaos cant leave because of an ancient drake (not the West(?)) and some others prevent him from going through the Drakeridge Mountains Pass (?), which is the only way for him to go. He cannot swim, and even if he could, the ancient sea serpent that patrols the waters around the World Hole would know (somehow?). The sea serpent is much bigger than Anaq.   Ancient Drake of the West, that lives in the Forgotten Forest, is freaking out because he heard Anaq has escaped or is trying to or something happened. This is why Airigold has to wrangle him back in, and ultimately is the reason why Rayhaven now knows that ancient dragonkin are still around.  
Needs some work, this was a random thought I had when trying to sleep. It slightly puts some past elements together, but not quite. I don't know how the Drake of the West would find out what Anaq is doing or did. Maybe Anaq already did something like destroy a city and that's how people in Drakemyst know the ancients are back, and at the same time people in Ardenfell know ancients are back because of the Drake of the West and Airigold. idk. Still wanted it to be rumors at first, but maybe this is proof that Ancients are still around / are back.
— 05/31/2024

Drake of the West

The Ancient Drake, known as "Drake of the West", lives within a cave in the small hidden mountain range that resides within the Forgotten Forest near Rayhaven. This is the Drake that Airigold has to "wangle back in" so to speak, and is the reason why there are rumors that the Ancient Dragonkin are still alive and are coming out of hiding  
Thought of this while folding my clothes one day lol
  — 05/14/2024

Wyrm of Chaos is missing a scale

Anaq (Wyrm of Chaos) is missing a scale the base of his neck, which is what the Dragonscale Shield is, and this vulnerable spot is where Zella plunged her sword into to kill the wyrm.   — 05/03/2024

Funny little moment

After flying some distance and landing. Ancient is out of breath. One defender says, "Wow, I thought you'd be able to fly long distances."   Ancient, breathing heavily, "I'm old! Hell, you call us "ancients" for gods sake." The others laugh.   — 04/04/2024

Vexx tries to ally with Ancient Wyrm, proceeds to get destroyed

Defenders and Group and all the people or whatever are in the same place, Ancient Wyrm is there too idk whatever. Vexx tries to make a deal with the Ancient Wyrm, probably puts on a facade / acts like hes the victim and tries to convince him that the Defenders are the problem or something   Wyrm:
"Is he for real? / Are you for real? In what way did you think that I, the Wyrm of Destruction, would ally with you? I have seen what you've done to other humans, and to dragonkin, my own kind. [Even I can see though your facade.] [I do not kill humans, unless provoked. Even the Ancient Dragonkin and I, the Wyrm of Death / Destruction / Choas, have a code of conduct.] You are a disgrace. You, Vexx, have no place on Azlov."   Pronounces "Wyrm" almost like "Verrm"   — 03/31/2024

Sabretail's Death

Dragonguard work with the Ancients, and Sabretail befriends them quickly.   During some huge ass battle with the Ancients, Sabretail protects characters or something; maybe he steps up to go against the Wyrm, and ends up dying. A noble sacrifice, and one of the Ancients (probably Airigold), says "he would have made a great Ancient" or something along the lines of 'would have been a great Ancient Councilmember' or whatever im calling it.   Sad moment as Zella returns to Rayhaven without Sabretail (maybe a piece of the prosthetics? can be used in the statue). A statue of Sabretail is erected in the town. He is awarded some award, or the Ancients give him a title or something, post mortem.   — 03/30/2024    
Part 2
Sabretail attacks wyrm, he gets thrown against wall, breaking his prosthetic wings. He starts to try and get back into the fight but cant. He notices his wings, so he just starts running back. It tires him a bit though and tries to take the prosthetic wings off but isn't able to. Zella comes over and sees the broken wings and helps him take them off saying "yeah they're dead weight at this point, aren't they?" Once the wings are off, Sabretail runs back into the action.   At some point as he leaps across, launching Zella into the air and on top of the wyrm's head. The wyrm lashes out and grabs ahold Sabretail in his mouth. Sabretail screams and slashes his tail into the wyrm's left eye. Zella yells out. The wyrm screams, dropping Sabretail, which breaks off his right tail fin. As he's falling, Sabretail whips his tail around once more and manages to cut the wyrm's lower jaw / chin. Sabretail falls to the ground. Zella manages to hold on and drives the sword or whatever into the wyrm's neck to sever the spine at the base of the head, killing him instantly.   The wyrm's now lifeless corpse falls to the ground, Zella jumps off, lands and runs over to Sabretail lying on the ground with major puncture wounds. He is unable to move so he lies there with Zella pressing her forehead against his. Sabretail bleeds out quickly and with his last breath looks into Zella's teary eyes.  
I was revisitng the idea when I was trying to fall asleep one night, and had a more definitive scene play out of this fight. Not sure what the other dragonguards are doing at this point, it was really only the wyrm, Sabretail, and Zella in this scene. The only remaining intact prosthetic piece is Sabretail's left tail fin, which is the painted one. The wings are broken, and are kind of heavy to try and haul back to Rayhaven. The right tail fin that broke off in the wyrm's eye is now under the corpse because the wyrm probably landed on that side or something, so that tail fin is certainly in a million pieces.
  — 04/17/2024

Ancient Dragonkin are back

Rumour has it that some Ancient Dragonkin are back. Turns out, the Ancient Wyrm that decimated Azlov is back (insert reason) and the Ancients have to come out of hiding or whatever to deal with him. Our heroes at some point meet a few of them, because the Ancient Drake went a little too far out in the open or whatever, and another Ancient Dragon, Airigold, has to wrangle him back in.   — 03/30/2024


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