Zella & Sabretail: Prosthetic Problems Prose in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

Zella & Sabretail: Prosthetic Problems

Part 1


  • At some point Sabretail has the idea to make the blades on his tail fins retractable
  • He tries to get this idea across to Zella
  • He eventually does by brining Zella a butterfly knife and making a flicking motion with the end of his tail
  • Part 2


  • Zella and Sabretail visit some far off city, probably for the Dragon Defenders
  • People start to gather around Sabretail, as he's kind of a legend there. Some people didn't think he was real
  • Some kids are fascinated with him, and Sabretail feels overwhelmed
  • He tried to run from them
  • Person Zella is meeting with yells out to the kids to watch out for the blades on the tail
  • Zella say it's fine, she made them retractable
  • Sabretail keeps trying to get away from the kids
  • He takes a somewhat friendly-annoyed defensive stance
  • Person Zella is meeting with tells the kids to leave him alone and run along
  • Kids move on
  • Sabretail returns to Zella's side
  • Zella shakes hands with attendee and her prosthetic arm comes off
  • She puts it back on and mentioned it's kind of been loose all day for some reason

  • < On their way back to Rayhaven >

  • While flying high in the air, Zella stretches and her prosthetic arm gets blown off
  • They continue flying for a second while Zella gives out a sigh, Sabretail chuckles
  • They loop back around, swoop under the falling prosthetic and grab it in midair
  • She puts it back on

  • < At Rayhaven >

  • When they land she starts to tinker with her prosthetic arm
  • While tinkering, she makes a remark / joke about how Sabretail's prosthetics stay on
  • She then wonders if they would if she wasn't riding on the saddle
  • They test it out and it turns out that they do not stay on
  • Zella begins to work on the prosthetic wings so that Sabretail can fly without her


    Still have to write one.

    Author's Note

    Like most things, all of these parts came to me while I was trying to fall asleep one night. I don't know, thought that these would be funny scenes / moments.
    — 03/28/2024


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