CSS Stuff in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

CSS Stuff

CSS theme stuff for the Legends of the Dragonguard World Anvil site. (This site)   Part of this is for an easy way to grab the code for custom created things, that can't be a "variable" or whatever because it has custom content with in it, and you can't do that with World Anvil variables.  
Other Technical Stuff

If you are looking for how I made the navigation menu sidebar; it has its own page:  
CSS Sidebar Menu
Generic article | Jun 13, 2024

Code and CSS explanation of the global Sidebar Menu.


Special Shoutouts

I'd just like to give a few shoutouts to fellow Anvilites for inspiring certain elements on this site.   Ravare by Damion Otter
Navmenu Sidebar   Solaris by Annie Stein
General site design; TOC in sidebar; Breadbox above article title   Lothrea by Satrium (Found it from Solaris)
Advanced tagging system, as well as the bonus tip at the end for "backlinking to categories". I use this premise to highlight a menu item based on an article's tag. (e.g., Location menu item will be highlighted while on any location page)

Custom Elements

Item Code Output
Spoiler Warning Box
There may be potential story spoilers in this article!
Date Box
[section:date-box]— 03/24/2024[/section]
— 03/24/2024
Generic Box
Generic Info Box w/ Info Icon
[container:generic-box info]
[var:util-info-icon] Vertically aligned content.
Vertically centered icon and text.
Definition Box
[ul][li]Word definition.[/li][/ul]
  • Word definition.
Alt Section
Generic Box within Alt Section
Follow world button
(You'll only see the button if you're not following the world)
Chevron Down
Mainly just used for title spoilers.
Content Warning Tags

Page has to be tagged with content warning tags for it to show up; put this code in the header section.
See Tag Overview for a list of content warning tags.
Content Warning:
Violence Gore Drug / Alcohol Use Animal Abuse Self-harm Profanity
Event Global Announcement

This is for displaying a global "announcement" that there is an ongoing World Anvil event, and links to the LotD's event page.
Put this code in the Global World Header Block section.

The details of this box are edited on the variable page every time a new event starts. So save the data!

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!


Custom CSS Class Stylings

Item Code Example
Mimic Tag
[section:label label-default]idx-a-category-specifics[/section]
IPA Styling
Ravia [section:ipa](reɪv•iə)[/section]
Ravia (reɪv•iə)
Title Spoiler
Content! Oh boy!
|[h3]Spoiler Title [var:util-chev][/h3][/spoiler]

Spoiler Title

Content! Oh boy!
Alignment - Left / Right

The image block, despite being placed first, appears to the right.
Use col-md-# to set the desired width.   Really only used on the Quick Notes: Short Ideas page for displaying a reference image inside a spoiler.
[container:col-md-6 align-right][imgblock:5582613][/container]
Text can go here weeeee. Lorem ipsum.
Ancestor Silk plant
by Nulcheck
Ancestor Silk plant in ESO
Text can go here weeeee. Lorem ipsum. Some plant that breaks easily or just secretes some weird liquid on it's stems that when agiated, or comes into contact with air or something, creates silk. People who walk through the forest with these will just be covered in silk afterwards.   Thought of this idea when I saw "Ancestor Silk" plant in ESO.
Container Borders

(Text is centered for illistration purposes only. CSS class not shown in code for centering text.)
[container:border-top]Top border[/container]
[container:border-bottom]Bottom border[/container]
[container:border-left]Left border[/container]
[container:border-right]Right border[/container]
[container:border-inline]Inline border[/container]
[container:border-block]Block border[/container]
Top border

Bottom border
Left border

Right border

Inline border

Block border


Heading CSS Font Variable Styling
Article Title --hf2
  • Font: Vollkorn SC
  • Color: --w80
  • Size: 42px
  • Heading 1

  • Font: Vollkorn SC
  • Border: bottom | 1px | solid | --secondary
  • Color: --w80
  • Size: 35px
  • Heading 2

  • Font: PTSerif
  • Color: --w80
  • Size: 27px
  • Heading 3

  • Font: Amarante
  • Color: --w70
  • Size: 23px
  • Heading 4
  • Font: Merriweather
  • Color: --w60
  • Size: 20px

    Color Variables

    Color CSS Variable Hex Code
    Main Colors
    --midnight #010203
    --stormcloud #1e1c22
    --darkcloud #17151d
    --skyshadow #007699
    --skydark #006484
    --bluesky #1ca0d0
    --graysky #828c96
    --gold #a57c00
    --lightgold #b29700
    --info #a8dfda
    --success #99c24d
    --warning #fbb539
    --danger #f45238
    --slightdanger #c83f49
    --golden0 0deg, #a57c00, #b29700
    --golden45 45deg, #a57c00, #b29700
    --golden90 90deg, #a57c00, #b29700
    --skyline0 0deg, #006484, #007699
    --skyline45 45deg, #006484, #007699
    --skyline90 90deg, #006484, #007699
    50 (18) Shades of Gray
    --w10 #353339
    --w20 #4a484d
    --w30 #616064
    --w40 #767578
    --w50 #8c8b8e
    --w60 #a2a1a4
    --w70 #b8b7b9
    --w80 #cececf
    --w90 #e4e3e4
    --w10 #353339
    --w20 #4a484d
    --w30 #616064
    --w40 #767578
    --w50 #8c8b8e
    --w60 #a2a1a4
    --w70 #b8b7b9
    --w80 #cececf
    --w90 #e4e3e4


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