Dragon's Tail Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Dragon's Tail

Dragon's Tail is a large peninsula that is near the northeast corner of Ardenfell and is connected to Ravia and Emberland. It is mainly made of mountains whose bases go to the waterline. On the east side, near the tip, a large archipelago sits in the <insert sea name>.   There is only one human settlement located here, right at the tip. It is an outpost for merchant ships and people flying through to stop by and rest. It also patrols the sea and surrounding waters to fend off pirates.


Mostly mountainous, with a small flat area of land near the tip of the peninsula.

Ecosystem Cycles

The winters are harsh and pose a severe threat of avalanches, but luckily, the settlement nearby is far enough away. During the non-winter months, only the very peaks of the mountains have snow, and everything else is covered in short, lush prairie grasses. Very few trees are here, so the settlement must import wood products. Most of the trees that do grow are on the western side of the mountain range, where they catch the wind and moisture.


Dragon's Tail has a fairly temperate climate, even though it sits near the planet's equator. The mountain range catches the winds, pushing them upwards, where they cool down. The western side of the mountain range is more lush with flora than the eastern side.

Fauna & Flora

A few species of dragonkin live in the high altitudes, deep within the mountain range. It is very difficult to get them on foot or even by flying, as there are no human settlements to stop and resupply at.

Natural Resources

There aren't too many natural resources to gather from the surrounding area. Most of the natural resources the human settlement can extract are stone and ore. There are not enough trees or land for tree farms to meet the settlement's wood product needs.


There isn't much tourism here as the town is relatively small and has little to do. The views of the mountains are great, though.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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