Frostcrest Caverns Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Frostcrest Caverns

The Frostcrest Caverns is an extensive cave system that sprawls under the most northern part of Frostcrest. Most of it consists of old lava tubes that were also partially excavated by an Ancient Wyrm. There are several entrences through the ice fields of Frostcrest created by the Wyrm, but the main and biggest entrance is located on the north western side of the mountain.   Rosin drips from the fauna that grows on the ceiling, which then crystallizes.


A large cave system that has many corridors and chambers.


The climate deep within the cave system is warm and slightly humid despite being located in the north. The main large chamber to the far north experiences the arctic air condensing into a cloud at the chamber's ceiling.

Fauna & Flora

While there is not much flora and fauna at Frostcrest, there is, however, a wide variety of life that inhabits deep within the cave system. Many of both flora and fauna are bioluminescent. The Ancient Wyrm of Chaos also lives here, though he is not a native inhabitant of the caverns.

Natural Resources

Similar to the surface of Frostcrest, the caverns do not offer many resources for harvesting. The only useful resource is the crystallized rosin secreted by the fauna that grows on the ceiling.
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Cave System
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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