Shattered Archipelagos Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Shattered Archipelagos

The Shattered Archipelagos sits just offshore to the east of Dragon's Tail. It is a large archipelago where many dragons live and migrate for mating season. The archipelago is also a favorite spot for pirates to house their base of operations. However, they sometimes have to move around as they are relatively close to <settlement name> on Dragon's Tail, which patrols the surrounding waters to prevent privateering.


A large group of many broken-up islands, some large to hold a settlement, and others are small outcrops poking out of the water.


The climate is tropical with a lot of rainfall. Similar to the tip of the Dragon's Tail paninsula, it doesn't snow or get cold in winter months.

Fauna & Flora

The archipelago has a diverse range of life. Many types of flowers, trees, and fungi grow here, as do a wide variety of wildlife. Many dragonkin originate from the archipelago, and most migrate back to the islands during mating season.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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