Tag Overview in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

Tag Overview

This is an overview of the tagging method used on this site. World Anvil can do some pretty neat things with tags, if you set them up correctly. LotD uses the glossary method as shared by Satrium to make advanced indices. This page is primarily a reference for me to remember the specific tag syntax.   I abbreviate the syntax of the tags so you can still search for things on the site without getting spammed by all the things that are using this tag system. Most of them either get abbreviated, have less or removed vowels, or both.  
Tagged lists read left to right. A tagged list looking for idx-a will pull up all articles with a tag that starts with idx-a, regardless if it has anything else afterwards in the tag.

Tagging System

Aside from the indexing tags, articles have normal sets of tags, too. Here's what I do for specific types of article pages.
Normal Tags (Highlights Menu Item)
Article Tags
Character character lifeform (dragonkin / human / etc) species (if dragonkin (dragon / wyrm / etc)) ancient (if dragonkin) affiliation indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Location location geographic (if continent) category (continent / landmark / settlement (town / city)) type (desert / forest (if geographic)) (tree (if landmark)) indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Fauna / Flora fauna / flora lifeform (animal / plant / etc) category (mammal / dragonkin (dragon / wyrm / etc) / tree / etc) indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Organization organization indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Indices indices
Items / Objects type (item (category (artifact / etc)) / tool / weapon) indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Story prose about (intro / conflict / battle / etc) indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
Miscellaneous misc (No particular tags, just relavent ones) indexing tags (az index / type / location / affiliation / etc)
      There are also some universal tags that aren't specific to an article's type. These are more utility based ones, and are specific to World Anvil challenges and events. They've got their own CSS styling!
World Anvil Tags
Tag Description
featured This tag is only used for the "Featured Article" section on the home page. There should only be one article tagged with this at a time.
wa-event Used for event / challenge pages and categories. This is for highlighting the Events menu item.
DO NOT USE THIS FOR ARTICLES SUBMITTED FOR EVENTS / CHALLENGES.   Articles themselves created for events / challenges will use the normal / indexing tags, which will highlight the menu item based on what type of article is it.
wa-challenge Any article that was submitted for any World Anvil challenge. They also get a tag for that specific challenge; listed below.
Challenge Name - Year
Any article that was submitted for a World Anvil challenge or event also gets a separate tag with the challenge's name and the year it took place.
adventure-april-year Any article submitted for the Adventure April challenge on World Anvil.
summer-camp-year Any article submitted for the Summer Camp challenge on World Anvil.
worldember-year Any article submitted for the World Ember challenge on World Anvil.
wba-year Any article submitted for the Worldbuilding Awards event on World Anvil.
      I've also included content warning tags. These allow a spoiler, with the respective tags, to display at the top of a page, under the title. This is for a quick and easy way to know if there is potentially sensitive content, without (possibly) major lore spoilers. This is more for if you're reading proses aloud to the public / on a livestream somewhere and you want it to be advertiser / family friendly.
Content Warning Tags
Warning Tag Display
Violence esrb-violence Violence
Gore esrb-gore Gore
Drug / Alcohol Use esrb-drugs Drug / Alcohol Use
Animal Abuse esrb-animal-abuse Animal Abuse
Self-harm esrb-selfharm Self-harm
Profanity esrb-profanity Profanity
Put [var:util-content-warning] in the article's credits in the header sections tab for any articles that have a content warning.

Then tag the article with the relevant tags.

Indexing Tags

Alphabetical Index

Prefix: idx

Syntax: letter-category-specifics

Generic article | Jun 13, 2024

All worldbuilding articles of Legends of the Dragonguard organized alphabetically.

Category Specifics
  • character: char
  • human: hmn
  • dragonkin: drgnkn
  • amphithere: amph
  • dragon: drgn
  • drake: drk
  • wyrm: wrm
  • wyvern: wyv

  • ancient: anc
  • dragonguard: drgngrd
  • villain (temp): vlln
  • fauna: fna
  • human: hmn
  • dragonkin: drgnkn
  • amphithere: amph
  • dragon: drgn
  • drake: drk
  • wyrm: wrm
  • wyvern: wyv
  • ancient: anc
  • wildlife: wldlfe
  • flora: flra
  • flower: flwr
  • fungi: fngi
  • plant: plnt
  • tree: tree
  • item / object: itm
  • artifact: artfct
  • document: doc
  • tool: tl
  • shield: shld
  • weapon: wpn
  • melee: mlee
  • dagger: dggr
  • knife: knfe
  • spear / lance: spr
  • sword: swrd
  • location: loc
  • continent: cont
  • geographic: geo
  • cave: cve
  • desert: dsrt
  • field: fld
  • forest: frst
  • island: islnd
  • mountain: mtn
  • ocean: ocn
  • sea: sea
  • wetland / swamp: wtlnd
  • landmark: lndmrk
  • settlement: stlmt
  • miscellaneous: misc
  • recipe: rcp
  • organization: org
  • formation / unit: form
  • ranking: rnk
  • phenomena: phn
  • story: stry
  • history: hstry
  • event: evnt
  • conflict: cnflt
  • prose: prs

    Tags: idx-a idx-b idx-c idx-d idx-e idx-f idx-g idx-h idx-i idx-j idx-k idx-l idx-m idx-n idx-o idx-p idx-q idx-r idx-s idx-t idx-u idx-v idx-w idx-x idx-y idx-z

    Examples: idx-a-char-drgnkn idx-r-loc-stlmt idx-z-stry-prs


    Sorted by Category Type

    Prefix: typ

    Syntax: category-specifics

    Articles by Type
    Generic article | Jun 13, 2024

    All worldbuilding articles of Legends of the Dragonguard organized by their category type.

    Category Specifics
  • character: char
  • human: hmn
  • dragonkin: drgnkn
  • amphithere: amph
  • dragon: drgn
  • drake: drk
  • wyrm: wrm
  • wyvern: wyv

  • ancient: anc
  • dragonguard: drgngrd
  • villain (temp): vlln
  • fauna: fna
  • human: hmn
  • dragonkin: drgnkn
  • amphithere: amph
  • dragon: drgn
  • drake: drk
  • wyrm: wrm
  • wyvern: wyv
  • ancient: anc
  • wildlife: wldlfe
  • flora: flra
  • flower: flwr
  • fungi: fngi
  • plant: plnt
  • tree: tree
  • item / object: itm
  • artifact: artfct
  • document: doc
  • tool: tl
  • shield: shld
  • weapon: wpn
  • melee: mlee
  • dagger: dggr
  • knife: knfe
  • spear / lance: spr
  • sword: swrd
  • location: loc
  • continent: cont
  • geographic: geo
  • cave: cve
  • desert: dsrt
  • field: fld
  • forest: frst
  • island: islnd
  • mountain: mtn
  • ocean: ocn
  • sea: sea
  • wetland / swamp: wtlnd
  • landmark: lndmrk
  • settlement: stlmt
  • miscellaneous: misc
  • recipe: rcp
  • organization: org
  • formation / unit: form
  • ranking: rnk
  • phenomena: phn
  • story: stry
  • history: hstry
  • event: evnt
  • conflict: cnflt
  • prose: prs

    Tags: typ-char typ-fna typ-flra typ-itm typ-loc typ-misc typ-org typ-stry

    Examples: typ-loc-lndmrk typ-stry-prs typ-fna-drgnkn-drgn


    Affiliation Index

    Prefix: aff

    Syntax: affiliation

    Affiliation Index
    Generic article | Jun 13, 2024

    All articles on organizations and character affiliations.

  • ancient dragonkin: anc
  • dragonguard: drgngrd
  • villain (temp): vlln

    Tags: aff-anc aff-drgngrd aff-vlln

    Examples: aff-anc aff-drgngrd aff-vlln


    Sorted by Location

    Prefix: loc

    Syntax: location-category

    Generic article | Jun 7, 2024

    Category page of all the locations on Azlov.

    Location Category
  • major location: mjr
  • ardenfell: ardnfll
  • arkynshire: arknshr
  • dragon's tail: drgntail
  • drakemyst: drkmst
  • emberland: embrlnd
  • frostcrest: frstcrst
  • ravia: rvia
  • shattered archipelagos: sharch
  • world hole: wrldhole
  • character: char
  • organization: org
  • geographic: geo
  • landmark: lndmrk
  • settlement: stlmt

    Tags: loc-mjr loc-ardnfll loc-arknshr loc-drgntail loc-drkmst loc-embrlnd loc-frstcrst loc-rvia loc-sharch loc-wrldhole

    Examples: loc-mjr loc-ardnfll-stlmt loc-embrlnd-geo loc-ardnfll-char


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