LotD Guide in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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LotD Guide


As seen in Book 1?

Vexx, a notorious figure, has been relentlessly orchestrating a series of assaults on Rayhaven in an attempt to instill fear and assert control. Concurrently, there are reports of Vexx attempting to bribe and corrupt individuals within other cities.


Ancient Dragonkin, thought to be long extinct, have recently been discovered to still exist. Despite most of them not posing a threat, there is one named the Wyrm of Chaos that is proving to be a cause for concern.


There is significant political unrest and disagreement within the city of Rayhaven, as well as in the city where the headquarters of the Dragonguard Alliance is located.



The Amberstone is said to hold unique properties, most likely with light. It isn’t fully known what capabilities it has, but it can’t be good if it’s in the wrong hands. There’s a reason an ancient dragonkin, known as the Wyrm of Chaos, guards this artifact in a deep cavern in the unforgiving frozen deserts of Frostcrest.


The Dragonguard Alliance is Summoned

While Rayhaven deals with its own problems, larger issues arise. This constitutes the summoning of the entire Dragonguard Alliance. Whatever crisis is going on that requires the whole Dragonguard sounds like a cataclysmic event.


Main Characters

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Major Locations


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