Shortlance Item in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!


A Shortlance is exactly what it sounds like. A lance that is short. It is kind of like the short sword of the lances.   Zella has engineered her shortlance to be telescopic / retractable. This is what she uses to kill Anaq, the Wyrm of Chaos.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The telescoping shortlance is spring loaded.
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Item type
Weapon, Melee
Somewhat common, but not widely used. Zella's telescoping shortlance is one of a kind.
Raw materials & Components
The material can vary, from wood for traning lances, to all metal. The telescoping shortlance Zella uses has inner mechanisms to allow it to be expanded and retracted at will.


  • This weapon was inspired by an online creator who 3D printed a telescoping lance.[1]
  • References

    1. Saved Imgur post — on Imgur; Retrieved May 16th, 2024. Unknown creator as there have been many reposts.    


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