Shadescale Species in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Shadescale is actually the genus of a few species of dragons. They are fairly large (compared to humans) and mostly dark scaled in color. They can be found all over Azlov, usually in either caves or cold areas. There are really only two known main species of this genus, black and white. The common Onyx Shadescale is usually referred to as just Shadescale, while the less common Snow Shadescale can be referred to as a Lightscale. The mixed offspring of these two variants would most likely be called a LightShade, or jokingly as LampShade.[2]

Basic Information


Typical dragon anatomy with a body, four legs, two wings, and a tail. Black, or Onyx, variants have a small amount of bioluminescence.

Genetics and Reproduction

The white and black variants can reproduce with each other, they are close enough related to do so. This results in a mix of the two variants.

Ecology and Habitats

Onyx shadescales live in large caves, hence why they are darker in nature. It is also why they have some amount of bioluminesence. The white varient however uses smaller caves as a nesting area, and has to hunt outside for food. Since being in colder areas and around mountains, they are lighter or even white in color to help blend in with the snow and fog.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are mostly carnivorous, but do also eat a very few species of plants.

Biological Cycle

Shadescale do shed their scales as they grow, making them usful for plated leather armor.


They can be friendly, but can be a little over protective sometimes.


Concept Art

<insert image>

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconem shadescale
Geographic Distribution
Scientific Classification
Class: Reptillia
Order: Draconis
Family: Draconem
Genus: Shadescale
  • S. Onyx
  • S. Snow
  • Trivia

  • This was a species of dragon that was originally going to be in a game Nulcheck and his friends wanted to make.[2]
  • Despite the Day of Dragons game being an inspiration for LotD, the shadescale was not based off of the Shadow Scale dragon from the game. The idea for this dragon was thought of a long time ago, well before Day of Dragons was even a thing.[1]
  • This species was inspired by the Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon.
  • Even though this species was based off of the Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon franchise, having the two variants (black and white) was created for this dragon long before it was announced that there was a white night fury. Nulcheck (the creator), had no idea.
  • The Lightshade variant and name, as well as the Lightscale name was based off of the Light Furry, and the Night Light variants from How to Train Your Dragon, after Nulcheck found out about them.
  • References

    1. Original creation date of the Shadescale dragon, on Edge Wiki; January 29th, 2015. Retrieved April 5th, 2024.
    2. Most recent info on the Shadescale wiki page, on Ege Wiki; March 3rd, 2023. Retrieved April 5th, 2024.    


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