Shatterscale Rift Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Shatterscale Rift

The Shatterscale Rift sits in the mid-northern section of the valley in the Shatterscale Mountains, just above the passageway. The northern valley river drains into the rift, preventing the northern snow melt from reaching the sea to the south.   Above the rift, in the side of the mountains, is a cave that Ancient Dragonkin have carved out, called Dragonspire.


A large opening in the valley just north of the Shatterscale Pass gives way to a cavern. The snowmelt flowing down the valley's northern part drains into the rift.


The cavern is cold as the mist of the snowmelt cools the air.

Fauna & Flora

Not much lives in the cave, as it is cold and wet. A few mushrooms grow on the walls, and some bats like to hang out on the ceiling.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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