Glistening Meadows Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Glistening Meadows

The Glistening Meadows is located in the north of Emberland along the Shatterscale Mountains where it starts to curve inward and is in the basalt floodplane of the volcano. Despite being in the north, it is actually warm here. It has hot springs and crystal formations gorwing on the surface.


It is a relatively flat landscape with crystals growing on the surface near springs of boiling hot water that dot the landscape. At the base of the volcano is lava that has cooled into basalt.


It is warm and cold at the same time. The Glistening Medows are in the north of Emberland, but with the volcano and hot springs below, it creates a localized steamy warm temperature zone.

Fauna & Flora

There isn't much flora that lives around this area; only a few plants can survive in the acidic soil.

Natural Resources

The only resource this area offers is a variety of large crystals and small amounts of sulfur. The soil and boiling water of the hot springs are too acidic to be used for anything.
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The planet Azlov.


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